Showing logs for date: 2012-02-18
00:00:50 <CC> It is actually clear down basin this early morning
00:01:31 <ynpvisitor15> Feb. seems to be rushing by
00:04:57 <Graham> morning
00:05:11 <CC> hey Graham
00:05:26 <CC> are you getting on the cam for KC this morning
00:05:59 <Graham> yeah at 0900 MST?
00:06:02 <CC> he has to go to the Vet with his cat
00:06:09 <CC> yes
00:06:32 <CC> k...I was not sure
00:07:12 <CC> it is so clear this morning
00:07:20 <CC> what a difference a day can make
00:08:13 <Graham> didnt watch yesterdat
00:08:41 <CC> inversion most of yesterday morning
00:09:55 <Graham> sodid BH go overnight?
00:10:14 <Graham> Lil Cum 0708ie
00:10:18 <CC> went at 18 something
00:10:27 <Graham> Cub again..keep missing the keys
00:10:34 <CC> at least indicator went
00:10:59 <Graham> so it may be due again
00:11:06 <CC> I think at 18:07 wa bhi
00:11:39 <Graham> BH 1819 per Pat
00:12:00 <CC> glad she got it
00:22:45 <Graham> yeah
00:23:06 <Graham> BHI 0722ie
00:23:17 <ynpvisitor31> Woo!
00:23:40 <Graham> not many ppl to wake up
00:23:42 <CC> we are probably going to miss Daisy since it has been going about every 3 hours
00:23:51 <ynpvisitor15> :)
00:24:05 <CC> morning Janet
00:24:39 <Janet> Good morning!
00:25:05 <Janet> BHI and a cup of coffee - great way to start the morning!
00:28:28 <lc> good morning everyone
00:28:31 <Graham> Sawmill 0728ie
00:28:56 <cb> Sweet!
00:29:43 <CC> morning CB
00:30:11 <Graham> BTW - probably need someone to take the cam around 1600 today, kc said he could probably do some so maybe he can cover it
00:30:37 <Graham> going out for dinner
00:30:40 <cb> morning CC janet lc Graham and #363115
00:30:56 <Graham> hi cb, good time to stop by
00:30:58 <lc> morning cb
00:31:31 <cb> coffee time!
00:35:55 <CC> BH 7:34
00:36:34 <cb> ahh oh
00:39:21 <cb> Great way to start the day!
00:39:58 <Janet> :)
00:40:34 <cb> warm, coffee, BH and friends...can't get much better
00:42:22 <lc> bbl
00:48:58 <cb> tata
01:14:53 <CC> OF 8:14
01:41:56 <Af> Ahhh weekend at last
01:43:19 <Af> later I guess
01:56:11 <kcmule> vet trip did not take long
01:56:48 <kcmule> so im available this morning
02:01:02 <Jake> great! but will anything erupt? . . . .
02:01:27 <Graham> can always hope for Lion
02:01:44 <Jake> it's "due"
02:02:44 <Graham> not good wind for watching for NG
02:04:24 <Jake> is it RAINING at OF?
02:05:08 <Jake> I guess it's snow, but it looked like little splashes on the sidewalk
02:12:05 <kcmule>
02:27:46 <Jake> was that NG?
02:28:50 <Jake> cam op zoomed in quickly...OF steam mostly in the way, but something was pretty steamy back there for a few seconds
02:30:12 <kcmule> looked at the cap quickly, only saw steam from lion
02:30:51 <Jake> really? this was to the right of Lion
02:31:11 <Jake> or am I going crazy?
02:32:20 <Jake> I even thought it might have been to the right of NG
02:33:04 <kcmule>
02:33:23 <kcmule> this is 0907 til just after u posted
02:33:54 <Jake> thanks! I can already feel my ego getting crushed as I watch the video download...:)
02:34:16 <kcmule> g
02:34:52 <kcmule> Daisy 09:34ns
02:42:40 <kcmule> OF 09:41
02:54:21 <kcmule> vec: castle 13:30+/-1, grand 13:30+/-2
03:16:44 <kcmule> of not making viewing the hill very easy this morning
03:39:55 <Jake> hey, the wind shifted!
03:40:05 <kcmule> wind shifted
03:40:07 <kcmule> g
03:40:39 <kcmule> sun out
03:40:52 <kcmule> now just need ..
03:43:18 <kcmule> Plume 10:42
03:43:22 <kcmule> ty plume
03:53:30 <kcmule> snowing sideways now
04:11:20 <kcmule> OF 11:10
04:34:18 <Graham> did i miss anything?
04:34:56 <kcmule> a nice wind shift
04:37:30 <Af> Hello
04:38:26 <Graham> hi AF
04:39:15 <Af> morning graham
04:45:36 <Graham> NG 1145
04:45:47 <Af> still going
04:46:14 <lc> sure happy to see that.
04:46:18 <Af> hi lc
04:46:26 <lc> hi af
04:46:58 <Graham> 1d 2h between reports
04:47:04 <lc> maybe that will jumpstart Lion
04:47:15 <Graham> or keep it dormant
04:47:29 <lc> don say that. G
04:47:38 <lc> don't
04:47:48 <Graham> if we get NG majors for a while I would be happy
04:48:01 <Graham> Lioness Big Cub...
04:48:03 <Af> I had a dream last night in UGB where Lion did come back on.
04:48:08 <kcmule> aurum too 11:45ie
04:48:34 <Graham> you are just making that up kc :)
04:49:24 <kcmule> we'll have to go to the replay booth
04:49:37 <Graham> hehe
04:49:57 <Graham> Plume 1149
04:50:44 <Af> that's a lot of GH stuff in short notice!
04:51:27 <lc> seems to happen like that.
04:57:08 <Af> Ok, guys I ma creating a GOSA -shirt utilizing cafe press's t-shirt creator and I need some creative text.
04:57:13 <Graham> replay is taking a long time, score still not posted on GT
04:57:28 <Af> any ideas?
04:57:47 <Graham> in competition with the real GOSA shirts?
04:58:07 <Af> They have real shirts?
04:58:23 <Graham> plain with the GOSA logo
04:58:34 <Af> not in competiton but for me nyself and I with no one else.
04:59:45 <Af> Graham these
05:00:43 <Graham> they used to have t-shirts too but yes, those are the shirts
05:01:35 <kcmule>
05:03:41 <Graham> player not working here ... i assume from the name you have a result tho
05:05:03 <kcmule> yes only 12s apart
05:05:48 <Graham> k, good catch then as I was watching the other steam
05:05:49 <Af> I think you need to use windows media player or quicktime kc
05:06:45 <kcmule> i could but it would be lossy in the conversion process. native format is flv, flash video
05:07:15 <Af> I ma getting windows movie maker
05:07:30 <lc> that was a GOOD catch kc
05:07:55 <kcmule> thx lc
05:08:14 <Af> kc I dilike flash sometimes becuase it can be really finicky
05:08:58 <kcmule> it used to be windows media, but that had its own set of problems
05:10:08 <kcmule> flash is more cross-platform friendly, so macs and iphones and even linux users can view
05:17:45 <Af> sawmill continues...
05:19:51 <Graham> Daisy 1219
05:32:20 <Af> OF 1232
05:36:16 <Af> was that long? looked like it
05:37:06 <Graham> not sure. waiting to see VEC updated time
05:37:27 <Af> It looked barealy long
05:38:17 <Graham> they have it as a long
05:59:21 <Graham> Castle 1258ie H2O
06:02:42 <Graham> minor
06:03:52 <Af> BBL
06:04:02 <Graham> Grand 1303ie
06:04:18 <ynpvisitor36> puff over by Lion on static 1302
06:09:32 <Graham> Dep 1308ie
06:10:15 <Kevin L> Must have been watching the UNLV game too.
06:10:44 <Graham> goodgame?
06:10:58 <Kevin L> For New Mexico it was.
06:11:47 <Kevin L> About an hour and a half until grown men start crashing expensive cars, so at least I will have something to make me happy.
06:16:50 <Graham> sawmill is off
06:24:26 <ynpvisitor35> Would it be possible to watch the Lion group a little more often. I like the bison and the far away steam at the end of the valley, but I would really appreciate seeing the Lion group, too.
06:25:47 <Graham> its had a fair amount of cam time recently but can be watched now and then
06:26:18 <Graham> unlikely anything will erupt there, lil cub just finished
06:27:47 <Graham> brb
06:49:50 <Graham> Plume 1349
06:57:36 <Graham> OF 1357
06:57:58 <Graham> 1356 on static
06:58:54 <ynpvisitor96> Little cub is actice again
07:11:24 <ynpvisitor96> Will we be seeing a lot more of the wildlife on the camera now that Canon has requested it? A friend just told me about the letter.
07:13:32 <Graham> news to me
07:19:58 <Graham> Sawmill 1419ie
07:21:21 <Kevin L> I thought we always showed the wildlife when it showed up. What are they going to do, import some?
07:24:40 <Graham> now i can combine the wildlife and Lion group requests
07:25:29 <Kevin L> If we show Lion, does that count as wildlife?
07:26:04 <lc> I like that
07:27:57 <lc> have you checked out the link Paul S. sent to the listserv a few days ago?
07:28:07 <Graham> lil cub, big cub, lioness, plumes
07:29:10 <Graham> marmot cave
08:19:33 <Graham> at least theres one person on geyser hill
08:27:53 <Graham> OF 1527
08:30:48 <ynpvisitor49> Was that Aurum just before OF?
08:31:14 <Graham> dunno
08:31:45 <ynpvisitor49> certainly looked like it.
08:32:08 <Graham> maybe kc can check the replay later
08:45:26 <ynpvisitor37> I'm experiencing a complete NPS blackout. 15:44 in progress.
08:45:59 <Graham> did we lose the stream?
08:46:28 <ynpvisitor37> I can't get stream, still camera, or my browser to admit that exists.
08:46:57 <Graham> ah, well thats your problem ... exists
08:47:36 <ynpvisitor37> Thanks. Will troubleshoot some more.
08:47:49 <Graham> live3 straeming is working
08:48:01 <Graham> i usually can't get the main one live4 to work
08:49:06 <ynpvisitor37> That was fast. I did nothing and everything was working again.
08:49:26 <Graham> glad i was able to fix it for you
08:54:06 <Graham> i need to head out, kc is going to take over but its yours Kevin if you are done enjoying bent metal
08:54:16 <Graham> bye, may stop in later.
08:55:27 <ynpvisitor37> Bye.
08:59:10 <kc (bbl)>
09:05:26 <kcmule> Plume 16:04
09:05:29 <ynpvisitor37> Plume 16:04
09:05:40 <kcmule> : )
09:06:12 <ynpvisitor37> Good thing we can still see that far down-basin.
09:06:45 <kcmule> focus just barely hanging in there
09:29:50 <kcmule> Depression 16:29ie
09:30:19 <kcmule> and one well steamed bison
09:31:34 <ynpvisitor37> Best seats in the house.
09:55:17 <Kevin L> Looks yucky. Nice way to start a season. Overtime finish and half of them ran out of gas about 500 yards short of the finish line.
09:55:52 <ynpvisitor37> Did they get out and push?
09:56:56 <Kevin L> They coasted across the finish line, but well short of where they would have been, And about half of them wadded up cars after the finish line.
09:56:57 <kcmule> OF 16:56
10:00:11 <kcmule> NG 16:59
10:01:16 <ynpvisitor61> Very Nice, looked like a tall minor
10:10:44 <ynpvisitor43> ..
10:10:58 <kcmule> Plume 17:10
10:11:11 <ynpvisitor61> plume?
10:11:43 <ynpvisitor61> ah, didn't have the page scrolled down far enough
10:11:43 <kcmule> yep
10:11:52 <kcmule> : )
10:12:33 <ynpvisitor61> The wind is really howling there.
10:13:38 <ynpvisitor61> I wonder if the "ack of a lion" is related to a small earthquake that shook something loose?
10:15:07 <ynpvisitor61> I thought when I saw all that water from BH an hour ago, that there was going to be a very very short inteval, but no.
10:16:41 <kcmule> there was that offshore eq not long ago. not sure how it lines up, or if it is close to big enough to affect ynp
10:17:32 <ynpvisitor61> How long ago was the last Lion, it seems like 5 days??
10:17:58 <kcmule> gt: 6days 5m
10:18:37 <ynpvisitor37> I remember older editions of "The Geysers of Yellowstone" said that Lion was dormant for a year after the Borah Peak earthquake. But we haven't had anything like Borah Peak recently.
10:20:47 <ynpvisitor61> I was pulling my notes, but I didn't see anything. It's been a while at ~3 day for intervalss.
10:21:06 <ynpvisitor61> can't type either.
10:21:23 <kcmule> vec says we are in a daisy window
10:24:10 <ynpvisitor61> Borah Peak earthquake was a 9 and on 28 Oct 1883 just in case folks wondered
10:25:13 <kcmule> maybe buffalo bill felt that one
10:25:50 <ynpvisitor61> I had to look it up....I remember some kids died in Challis
10:28:39 <ynpvisitor37> To correct a typo, The earthquake was 1983.
10:29:09 <kcmule> sorry to make fun of it : )
10:29:47 <ynpvisitor61> Yes, you are right! Gotta admit to being that far off. I am reading records for the 1880s at the it's automatic.
10:30:15 <ynpvisitor37> In any case, Lion chugged along for 25 years once it reactivated, then changed its pattern for no good reason a couple of years ago. And may have done it again this week.
10:32:04 <lc> the change 2 years ago was good.
10:32:41 <ynpvisitor61> Because it became more frequent?
10:33:04 <lc> had longer series
10:33:45 <ynpvisitor61> That, too
10:33:50 <lc> I should say more eruptions in a series
10:34:04 <ynpvisitor43> .
10:34:54 <ynpvisitor61> It seemed it stopped being 3 daty intervals, also, but I'm not sure about when that was....
10:36:24 <lc> I think Lion and Depression changed at the same time.
10:37:14 <ynpvisitor61> I know I started being able to catch Depression more often in the last few years, but then maybe I was on GH more often
10:37:25 <ynpvisitor43> .
10:37:59 <ynpvisitor37> Yes, Depression dropped down to 3-hour intervals the same week that Lion switched to long series.
10:38:43 <lc> before that Depression intervals could be12-16 hrs.
10:39:50 <Inez Austin> I wonder if there was a corresponding change in BH
10:40:19 <lc> I don't think so.
10:59:09 <kcmule> Daisy 17:58
11:04:17 <lc> good night all
11:04:38 <Inez Austin> nite
11:04:45 <kcmule> nite lc
11:05:56 <Inez Austin> lion keeps trying
11:06:38 <kcmule> engine wont turn over
11:06:52 <Inez Austin> something caught in it's throat....
11:07:27 <ynpvisitor91> hi
11:07:35 <ynpvisitor37> hello.
11:07:41 <Inez Austin> hi back
11:09:13 <kcmule> Plume 18:08
11:18:24 <Inez Austin> getting dark, I'm gonna hafta give this up soon
11:19:05 <kcmule> one more OF
11:19:41 <Inez Austin> soon, too, perhaps it will kick start something else
11:23:49 <Inez Austin> the light is really going now
11:24:32 <kcmule> turn up monitor brightness : )
11:24:42 <Inez Austin> just did
11:26:11 <Inez Austin> well, supper calls, have a good one
11:26:15 <Inez Austin> OF?
11:26:25 <Inez Austin> nope
11:26:36 <Inez Austin> bye
11:26:39 <kcmule> unhappy focus
11:27:15 <kcmule> nite
11:29:34 <kcmule> OF 18:29
11:29:55 <ynpvisitor37> Just in time, too.
11:31:21 <kcmule> see yall tomorrow
11:31:56 <ynpvisitor37> Good night.