Showing logs for date: 2013-09-12
22:38:22 <Loisb> if anyone is watching the streaming cam - do we have water at Indicator?
22:38:33 <ynpvisitor11> yes
22:40:07 <Loisb> thx
23:04:07 <ynpvisitor52> ..
23:04:24 <ynpvisitor52> hi lc, did you have a good trip?
23:04:38 <lc> yes we did
23:04:59 <lc> got home little before 5 yesterday
23:06:04 <ynpvisitor52> great
23:16:46 <Dave from B> Morning lc and numbers
23:17:15 <Dave from B> Windows Update is causing me issues this morning
23:21:47 <Dave from B> Morning Jimbo
23:21:52 <Jimbo> Castle sure can make some serious steam in the AM
23:21:54 <Jimbo> HI
23:22:28 <Dave from B> Little indy 0722ie
23:22:45 <Dave from B> still same eruption from 0638?
23:22:50 <Dave from B> ie
23:25:15 <Dave from B> OF 0725ie
23:36:25 <lc> morning Dave
23:42:42 <Dave from B> Glad you made it back safe and sound
23:43:06 <lc> thanks, great trip.
23:43:30 <lc> the Morning solo was the high light.
23:43:41 <Dave from B> Even though our trip from start to finish was only 48 hours, we also had a great time
23:43:59 <Dave from B> I agree, lc. I have been babbling about that solo all week.
23:44:13 <Dave from B> Best geyser display I have ever seen
23:44:34 <lc> wish weather had been a little better.
23:44:54 <Kevin L> Looks like Depression may be ie.
23:44:57 <Dave from B> That was the only down side
23:45:11 <Dave from B> Morning, Kevin...didn't see you sneak in
23:45:24 <lc> sure glad you and Becca caught that.
23:45:35 <lc> hey Kevin
23:45:39 <Kevin L> Not really sure that I have.
23:45:44 <Kevin L> Hi lc
23:47:20 <Dave from B> It took us 3 days to recover from those 2 interupted nights
23:48:33 <lc> I did slow down after the late night trifecta
23:49:52 <Dave from B> Now, over 275 days until we return:(
23:51:15 <lc> only down side to our two trips.
00:12:28 <Dave from B> Can't believe how many new gazers I met on Labor Day trip
00:14:00 <lc> I met a lot also, makes gazing more fun.
00:15:53 <Dave from B> I agree. What a fun group of people
00:17:00 <Dave from B> Morning, Jenna
00:17:28 <lc> morning Jenna
00:19:41 <Jenna> good morning Dave and lc
00:19:44 <Jenna> it rained here!!
00:21:03 <lc> Daisy?
00:21:20 <lc> 0821ie
00:27:59 <Dave from B> Sorry ,was afk
00:36:04 <Diane> Looks a little damp in UGB today!
00:36:55 <Dave from B> Hi, Diane
00:37:06 <Diane> Good morning.
00:37:23 <Diane> Nice to have a face to go with the name.
00:38:01 <Dave from B> I met a lot of people from the chat room over Labor Day; it was fun
00:38:43 <Dave from B> Did you enjoy your trip Diane? How was commuting from Canyon?
00:39:13 <Diane> We managed. We saw Morning on 9/2, so nothing else mattered! :)
00:39:35 <Diane> Thanks to vw, who kept me updated on when the Morning watches began!
00:39:59 <Dave from B> Yes, that was a great eruption. Glad you were there
00:40:21 <Diane> On Sep. 6 and 7, we stayed at OF Inn. Just in time for the 4:45 am fire alarm!
00:40:31 <Dave from B> Yuck
00:40:54 <Dave from B> Great place to stay but too early for a fire alarm
00:41:06 <Diane> Well, we made lemonade. Just as we exited OF Inn and looked up at the brilliantly starry sky, Old Faithful erupted.
00:41:13 <Diane> And it was beautiful.
00:41:18 <Dave from B> I bet
00:42:08 <Diane> We had planned to get up at 6:00, so needless to say, we did not get back to bed, but it was okay. Every day in Yellowstone is okay.
00:42:35 <Dave from B> Mornings can be magical in YNP
00:44:37 <Diane> Part of the reason they are magical is because so many tourists don't know that and stay in bed (and off the roads).
00:44:45 <Diane> :)
00:45:19 <Dave from B> Yes, roads are great until about 0930
00:45:23 <Kevin L> I like early mornings on Geyser Hill in the geyser fog.
00:46:50 <Diane> I love geyser fog.
00:50:07 <Dave from B> I love geyser fog except when I'm trying to watch a large geyser and want to see water.
00:50:43 <Kevin L> I don't like it on the cam either.
00:51:54 <Diane> I'm just talking about the early-morning-sun-shining-through-it fog that encounter walking around the basins at an early hour.
00:52:42 <Kevin L> Doublet thumps in geyser fog are awesome.
00:52:58 <Diane> Grand was really stinky to us on this trip, however. We tried three times, and only saw it once. And had to wait 40 minutes past the window for that!
00:53:56 <Dave from B> There have been more than a few long Grand intervals this month
00:53:58 <Kevin L> It has really been erratic.
00:57:50 <Diane> We gave up mid-window one evening, and then the next day, we waited well past the window again and finally left during a nasty little storm. I thought I heard it called quite a bit later.
00:58:46 <Diane> Last year we missed an eruption because it went before the window opened. Talk about unreliable. You'd think they were geysers or something.
00:59:34 <Diane> Jenna, I met your folks.
01:03:31 <Jenna> oh good Diane
01:06:59 <Jenna> wish I could have joined them
01:07:37 <Dave from B> Sell a few more $10K countertops and you'll be there next summer!
01:16:18 <Jenna> very true Dave!
01:31:08 <Dave from B> Still no Morning...Fountain 0814 :(
02:26:37 <Jenna> I think OF was in there somewhere
02:30:20 <lc> back for a bit, got to mow soon.
02:59:32 <vw> Good morning/afternoon.
02:59:47 <Dave from B> Hi, vw
02:59:48 <lc> morning vw
03:00:04 <Dave from B> I see strong T'storms are returning for Friday and Saturday
03:00:22 <Jenna> hi vw
03:00:26 <kc (working)> hi vw et al. wb lc
03:00:39 <lc> thanks
03:00:46 <vw> Yes, it sounds like we are in for some more storms in Blgs. I don't mind, but I think some who are still clearing debris from basements might not be thrilled.
03:01:05 <Dave from B> I haven't had my water on all week!:)
03:01:24 <vw> Vacationers are slowly returning I see... Welcome home lc.
03:02:34 <vw> Raining in the basin. That might affect LGB action?
03:02:39 <lc> rain in the area, got to go mow
03:02:41 <lc> bbl
03:02:50 <vw> Bye lc!
03:03:00 <Dave from B> Are you sure you don't line in the Rain Forest?
03:03:06 <Dave from B> line = live
03:03:22 <lc (bbl)> no rain while we were gone
03:03:34 <lc (bbl)> the whole two weeks
03:04:32 <Dave from B> So, it's your fault it rains?:)
03:04:50 <lc (bbl)> g, MUST be
03:05:03 <vw> Like washing your car?
03:05:21 <Dave from B> If that's the case, a few people in Blgs might pay you to move here!
03:05:26 <vw> lc, come back west. Some of us would appreciate your magic powers!
03:05:45 <lc (bbl)> gtg, later.........
03:06:14 <Jenna> we went 36 days without rain
03:06:30 <Jenna> it was heaven last night when it poured
03:06:44 <vw> Depression 1106 ie
03:06:48 <vw> Daisy 1106 ie
03:07:06 <vw> That Depression comes with a ?
03:07:25 <vw> Didn't stay on it long enough to see water. Just looked like water in runoff.
03:07:48 <ynpvisitor100> Looks like a good day to be doing laundry and shopping instead of walking around looking at steem.
03:09:46 <ynpvisitor100> Looks like a bhi in the basin cam
03:11:03 <ynpvisitor100> Just steem I guess.
03:11:43 <ynpvisitor100> COuld not zoom into it as my computer is having fits with the static cams. Sometimes they will update and sometimes they go away when I update them.
03:11:54 <ynpvisitor100> That is an indy
03:12:07 <ynpvisitor100> It is very small.
03:12:16 <ynpvisitor100> now bigger
03:12:28 <vw> There is water at BHI.
03:12:39 <ynpvisitor100> Is it a freash start or a dying old one?
03:13:02 <vw> ? I just got on, so don't know what it was doing prior to this.
03:13:39 <ynpvisitor100> I did a quick read through the log and did not see anythig after an early one
03:13:45 <vw> Last noted time on GT was 0633
03:14:00 <ynpvisitor100> I do notice people are getting lax in names and not often adding time
03:14:16 <ynpvisitor100> Makes it hard to find fast in the log
03:15:44 <ynpvisitor100> Lots of steam from grand area. Not sure if it is just steam, or a cycle
03:16:13 <ynpvisitor100> Looks cold and damp out there
03:16:19 <vw> As no time has been noted for BHI, I will use when first mentioned here: BHI 1109 ie
03:16:35 <Dave from B> I didn't realize there was a protocol for talking about times in this room. I will do my part to be more "official"
03:17:10 <ynpvisitor100> I am sure bh will go. Will not be a very nice one to watch with all the steem
03:18:45 <vw> Dave, I don't think there really is a protocol per se.
03:19:41 <vw> It is just really beneficial when anybody who notices an eruption would post as [geyser name] 0000. Nice if they would post to GT also!
03:20:00 <ynpvisitor100> Just makes it easier when joining and looking through the log if it is a single line and proper or conventional names are used
03:23:10 <vw> Grand E time just posted. Other E times too. Nice.
03:31:18 <Dave from B> Totally understand...However, posting to GT while busy at work is something I have a hard time doing
03:32:06 <vw> I understand that totally Dave. I usually will do a 'sweep' every once in a while to make sure things are posted.
03:32:23 <ynpvisitor100> If you are watching an option would be to post a time here, and ask for it to be posted to GT.
03:32:34 <vw> I don't always get things posted myself right away.
03:34:18 <Dave from B> It would be really nice if we could find a volunteer to read thru logs and post to GT every night to catch entries that are missed.
03:34:35 <Dave from B> I know Graham is pretty good about it
03:53:29 <vw> OF 1153 ns
03:53:38 <vw> Too steamy to catch start of water.
03:54:55 <ynpvisitor100> Dang keyboard
03:55:39 <vw> hehe
03:56:45 <ynpvisitor100> That is going to kill seeing anything in the upper basin for a while. Think I will go.
04:09:59 <vw> brb
04:53:32 <Dave from B> Graham is camped at Turban due around 1305
04:53:54 <vw> He has gotten several times during his long sit.
04:54:08 <vw> Maybe he isn't sitting?
04:57:57 <vw> I texted G about if it is raining. His response: Yeah drippy here but no wind and quite warm.
04:58:29 <vw> G says Rift just started.
04:59:23 <Dave from B> It's my experience that Graham usually stands
05:00:14 <Dave from B> In a couple of years,
05:00:20 <vw> I suggested that with Rift start, it might be a good time for him to check the snacks in his bag.
05:00:52 <Dave from B> Funny....the rest of my sentence was going to be...I might know what his favorite snacks are!:D
05:02:42 <vw> What are his favorite snacks?
05:03:11 <vw> I would be hitting the nuts and M&M's if I was out there!
05:06:26 <Dave from B> I made the mistake of having M&M's on GH in June....too hot to keep from melting
05:06:40 <Dave from B> I HAD to eat them in the cabin!
05:06:56 <vw> Yeah, that can happen. Dark chocolate holds up better.
05:08:04 <vw> Amount of steam everywhere is amazing today.
05:29:59 <vw> OF 1329
05:30:02 <vw> Hi Diane
05:30:24 <Diane> Hi. Practically on my way out the door, but wanted to sign on to thank you again for all your help last week!
05:30:57 <vw> yw! I am so glad you got to see Morning!
05:31:03 <Diane> I can't imagine that we would have seen Morning without your help - we were just too far away.
05:31:46 <vw> Wasn't just me. People in the park were keeping us informed as to the happenings in the LGB. Always great when we get inside info!
05:32:38 <vw> The gazer community is so great about passing along information. :)
05:32:44 <Diane> I know, and I realize that! Just nice that everyone works together so that the maximum number of people can have the experience. :)
05:33:08 <vw> Modern technology sure helps!
05:33:15 <Diane> Indeed.
05:33:43 <vw> Good think: hard to differentiate smoke signals from steam some days.... hehe
05:35:13 <Diane> Well, I've got to run. Maybe bbl.
05:35:26 <vw> Have a great day Diane.
05:48:48 <vw> Lost internet for a few minutes. Lets hope it holds.
05:52:56 <vw> Daisy 1352 ns
05:53:06 <vw> Should get a good start time from Graham.
05:54:26 <vw> Time G got was same, so that was actual start time.
05:55:12 <Dave from B> Still no Grand
05:56:14 <vw> Nope. Hard to say when with Rift.
05:56:27 <vw> Sawmill off.
06:03:11 <vw> Maybe if I take a quick break something will happen. Hungry.
06:03:13 <vw> brb
06:14:25 <Dave from B> Bet Graham's backside is getting sore if he has been sitting thru 7 Turbans
06:16:25 <vw> That would be a long wait.
06:17:42 <Dave from B> Hi, Mara
06:17:58 <vw> I am guessing he has kept himself moving and busy,
06:18:55 <vw> Grand 1418
06:19:18 <Mara> hello! Looks very wet in the park.
06:20:58 <vw> NOT Grand
06:21:17 <vw> Oblong per G's posting.
06:31:18 <Dave from B> Hi, Will
06:32:24 <Will B> Hi
06:45:13 <vw> Coming up on another OF.
06:48:59 <vw> Next Turban should be around 1452-1453.
06:52:12 <vw> Grand 1452 ns
06:52:15 <vw> :P
06:53:42 <Will B> donde spikies???
06:53:44 <vw> OF 1453
06:53:52 <Will B> grrr of
06:56:48 <craigmon99> Hey all
06:57:16 <ynpvisitor6> onward to Grand?
06:57:23 <craigmon99> 1/2 hours and giantess will have not erupted for 2 years exactly
06:58:02 <ynpvisitor6> see, the OF people are leaving...
06:58:39 <craigmon99> They don't know what they're missing
06:58:43 <ynpvisitor6> guess it is just steam closer up today!
06:59:06 <ynpvisitor6> Graham is going to be damp
06:59:47 <vw> I believe the tense would be "IS damp." He has been out there for a while.
07:00:03 <ynpvisitor6> yes, I was thinking he still has Fountain ahead
07:01:36 <vw> No Grand entry from him so he may have struck out for LGB already.
07:03:23 <vw> Hi cb. Welcome home!
07:03:38 <cb> Hello
07:03:44 <cb> Thanks!
07:03:52 <vw> I hope you and Bill had a wonderful time?
07:04:22 <cb> We did! Still trying to catch up on sleep though!
07:04:31 <craigmon99(hw)> Decided to compile a few photos from my trip this summer.
07:04:37 <cb> You ready for a shift change?
07:04:45 <vw> Yes, sleep is always reserved for when you get home from YNP.
07:05:00 <cb> No kidding!
07:05:01 <vw> Absolutely! Take the cam whenever you are ready.
07:05:10 <ynpvisitor6> cb, you are driving again?
07:05:13 <cb> I got it
07:05:21 <vw> Thank you cb.
07:05:32 <cb> who are ya #6?
07:05:44 <ynpvisitor6> me dear
07:05:57 <cb> dearest!
07:06:09 <ynpvisitor6> did not like that photo of your foot!
07:06:27 <vw> I am going to head out. Hope everybody has a wonderful evening.
07:06:30 <cb> ya!... try wearing it! Was this or a cast
07:06:38 <ynpvisitor6> bye vw
07:06:54 <cb> I chose one i could remove to DRIVE HOME!
07:07:21 <ynpvisitor6> yikes
07:07:24 <Mara> and I'm on crutches right now... yay foot/leg injuries
07:07:44 <ynpvisitor6> how do you play the tuba on crutches Mara?
07:07:50 <cb> Hey Mara! Sorry to hear about your fall!
07:08:11 <Mara> the answer is you don't xD
07:08:31 <ynpvisitor6> so cb, how does this step help you?
07:08:45 <ynpvisitor6> you can still put weight on it, right?
07:09:13 <ynpvisitor6> wow Mara, I bet the tuba section is sad
07:09:51 <cb> suppose to keep that tendon in a consistant stretch.. and allow it to heal.
07:10:06 <ynpvisitor6> do you feel it stretching?
07:10:16 <ynpvisitor6> I hope it works!!
07:10:20 <cb> He said the bone sput is not the problem...I am NOT believing him
07:10:27 <cb> spur
07:10:32 <ynpvisitor6> hmmmm
07:10:36 <cb> gunna try it
07:10:46 <ynpvisitor6> well, I must be off. I was not expecting that photo darlin.
07:11:18 <ynpvisitor6> Morning has shown no sign of wanting to erupt, so hope for us poor souls out there still hoping at 1645
07:11:19 <cb> It matched my skirt at least! :)
07:11:26 <ynpvisitor6> ha!
07:11:33 <ynpvisitor6> basic black?
07:11:47 <Dave from B> Bye, 6 and hello, cb!
07:11:51 <cb> Read that! Finger crossed for you! yes black!
07:11:58 <cb> He Dave
07:12:09 <ynpvisitor6> bye Dave, tell Morning to erupt please
07:12:42 <ynpvisitor6> the blues would be nice in the rain.
07:12:49 <ynpvisitor6> get better Mara.
07:12:56 <Dave from B> I will make a phone call, 6!:)
07:12:59 <Mara> I'll try
07:13:23 <cb> Bye M!
07:18:56 <craigmon99(hw)> Boy, OF is steamy today
07:19:45 <Jenna> about time for indy again
07:30:43 <Dave from B> cb, sorry we didn't get a chance to talk more ....I know you were busy with your 10 year old!
07:30:55 <Dave from B> Sounds like you got her hooked!:)
07:31:00 <craigmon99(hw)> Oh hey! Lion 1530 ie
07:31:23 <Kevin L> 1524 ini per GT
07:31:36 <craigmon99(hw)> Awesome!
07:31:51 <Dave from B> Darn, had a frozen pic
07:32:22 <Kevin L> Keeping your computer in the freezer Dave?
07:33:04 <Kevin L> Now official. Two years since last Giantess.
07:33:40 <Dave from B> Somedays, I would like to put it there!
07:35:23 <craigmon99(hw)> All of a sudden *FOOM*
07:41:40 <craigmon99> Sprinkler 1541 ie
07:50:09 <kc (working)> bhi ie
07:59:24 <Dave from B> Time to head out. Have a great evening everyone!
07:59:52 <kc (working)> u2 Dave
08:08:21 <ynpvisitor99> Ehhh... close enough... ill keep this name
08:13:30 <ynpvisitor99> Oblong 1613ie
08:13:32 <ynpvisitor99> ?
08:13:37 <ynpvisitor99> Or Grotto
08:13:47 <Will B> looks like Grotto
08:13:49 <ynpvisitor99> Or... Mastiff? :D
08:13:59 <ynpvisitor99> g, one could hope
08:14:15 <ynpvisitor99> Are you readjusting Will?
08:14:45 <Will B> yeah not really any time to sulk though, busy busy
08:14:56 <ynpvisitor99> I know the feeling
08:15:15 <craigmon99> mastiff? Where???
08:15:21 <Ryan> Not really a vacation here... just kinda waiting on hearing from Xanterra and DNC
08:15:37 <Ryan> Was a joke craig, steam coming over the ridge
08:15:50 <craigmon99> Awww
08:16:18 <Ryan> No, if Giant went, you would see it
08:16:26 <Ryan> ...and I dont mean see steam
08:19:08 <ynpvisitor65> COuld be groto. Looks to far left to be oblong
08:19:56 <Ryan> I dont think its Oblong
08:19:59 <ynpvisitor65> Someone is taking pictures of us
08:20:01 <Ryan> I think it was Grotto
08:20:34 <ynpvisitor65> Looks like cub is spitting
08:21:36 <ynpvisitor65> Also looks like of is going to block the view of bh again
08:23:40 <ynpvisitor65> Dueling splashes
08:26:02 <ynpvisitor65> Who messed up the picture? Was watching BH splash
08:26:49 <Ryan> Have to watch OF, takes priority
08:27:22 <ynpvisitor65> All I can see is dirt. Better view of both before
08:28:12 <Ryan> Dirt?
08:28:35 <ynpvisitor65> Fuzzy spots that block any kind of detail
08:28:48 <Ryan> Ah, yes, well... not much can be done about those
08:29:16 <ynpvisitor65> Don't get me started
08:31:31 <Ryan> Riverside 1631
08:31:52 <Ryan> I assume... Too small for F&M
08:31:59 <Ryan> OF 1631
08:34:25 <Ryan> Yikes... that light just makes it worse...
08:35:20 <ynpvisitor45> Riverside looks ie
08:35:31 <ynpvisitor45> oh, I see the 1631
08:35:47 <ynpvisitor45> just popped in for Lion in 2 minutes
08:36:08 <ynpvisitor45> Daisy 1636
08:40:31 <Ryan> Lion 1640
08:40:44 <Ryan> Sweet lighting!
08:45:35 <Ryan> FYI: Regarding the dirt, it is stuck to the front plate. The front plate will probably need replaced.
08:47:42 <Ryan> Gonna have to head out, bbl
08:47:46 <Ryan> Sawmill 1647ie
09:45:30 <Jenna> .
10:07:30 <Jenna> OF 1807
10:33:23 <kcmule> fountain was 15:10 d=38m10s
10:38:07 <craigmon99> Does anyone know if that rumoured video of steamboat's start ever surfaced that micah saw?
10:40:42 <Suzanne> Graham posted a correction, Fountain was at 1710 not 1510
10:41:04 <Suzanne> Maureen says 50-50 chance for Morning tonight
10:41:07 <kcmule> ty
10:41:24 <Suzanne> about time, too
10:46:05 <Jenna> nothing new on youtube craig
10:47:01 <craigmon99> That guy micah talked to is hoarding what i've always wanted to see. Guess im just gonna have to experiance it myself! Not that im complaining or anything XD
10:48:27 <Maureen> Hey all. Graham says Lynn says 50/50 chance of Morning after a good boil. I thought Lynn told me it takes 2 good boils.
10:48:51 <Maureen> Not sure what will happen tonight, I just hope the rain stays away.
10:49:22 <Suzanne> Maureen, are you going out to Fountain tonight?
10:49:35 <Maureen> I would love if Morning held off until 0930 or so tomorrow.
10:49:45 <Maureen> If it is not looking UGLY on radar, I will go out.
10:49:52 <Suzanne> sure, but may not wait for that
10:49:55 <Maureen> It was a nice boil today, first one we have seen though
10:50:02 <Maureen> yes, that is why I will go
10:50:12 <Maureen> Tristan and Graham are going out too
10:50:17 <Maureen> so it will be watched.
10:50:18 <Suzanne> I'd be there if I could get there in time.
10:50:24 <Maureen> he he, I bet you would
10:50:48 <Maureen> Moon will be down, yet Graham said it was still glowing after midnight last night
10:51:14 <Suzanne> Unfortunately my best drive time to Old Faithful is 9h3m and Fountain is another 15 minutes further.
10:51:31 <Maureen> and there is always work tomorrow....
10:51:39 <Suzanne> We need Fountain to have 12 hour intervals!
10:51:49 <Maureen> man, that would be some commute.
10:51:51 <Suzanne> Oh yeah, work :-(
10:51:58 <craigmon99> Yeah... my drive time is about 20 hours
10:52:20 <Maureen> There were so many peeps waiting for Morning, I just hope it waits for them.
10:52:42 <Maureen> Though since I am venturing out...though it will be dark by 0130
10:53:35 <Suzanne> Just get Morning going and hopefully everyone can be there to see one or more eruptions in the series when it is daylight.
10:54:26 <Maureen> yep, I just want it to be going again
10:54:39 <Maureen> Oblong?
10:54:56 <craigmon99> Thats a lot of steam
10:55:36 <Maureen> it will be close to 10 days tonight.
10:55:40 <Maureen> Oblong is very steamy
10:56:02 <craigmon99> Mastiff? (Being very optimistic)
10:56:22 <Maureen> not right place
10:59:01 <Kevin L> You surviving the rain Suzanne?
10:59:32 <Suzanne> yes, but flooding is very bad in a lot of places. Lots of roads closed.
10:59:53 <Kevin L> Looked really nasty on the weather channel.
10:59:56 <Maureen> how is Lakewood?
11:00:49 <Suzanne> I haven't heard much about Lakewood but the areas around Boulder, Lyons, and Estes Park are very bad.
11:04:43 <Maureen> drat.
11:04:55 <Maureen> I heard 6 inches of rain in some places, that is a lot.
11:06:41 <Suzanne> Boulder got 8.62 inches - latest update
11:06:54 <Suzanne>
11:09:02 <Kevin L> That would be an ugly snowstorm.
11:09:15 <craigmon99> sprinkler 1909 ie
11:09:30 <Suzanne> More rain in the forecast tonight and tomorrow. Not good.
11:10:17 <Kevin L> We had about 3 days here. Really cool temps too.
11:13:20 <Suzanne> I think I am finally caught up on sleep after the Yellowstone trip. Got 7 hours last night, felt great.
11:13:57 <Suzanne> But I'd rather be sleepless in Yellowstone :-)
11:14:01 <ynpvisitor98> :-)
11:15:36 <craigmon99> Boy, North Goggles is steaming a ton
11:16:49 <Maureen> Sleepless in Yellowstone, Graham can probably relate to that right now.
11:16:56 <Kevin L> Sherri & Rob are in Rexburg dropping Ashley off for school. I am home taking the young brat to school and dance class. Not fair.
11:17:10 <craigmon99> lol
11:17:18 <Maureen> Next year is going to be your year Kevin!
11:18:23 <Kevin L> By then I will only have had 2 1/2 days in the park in 3 years. Darn right it is my turn!
11:19:15 <Suzanne> I thought retirement was supposed to give you more time, not less...
11:19:58 <Kevin L> Same here. Everybody thinks you have nothing to do and they want to make sure you do.
11:19:58 <Maureen> Kevin has parenting duties
11:20:00 <Suzanne> You figured out yet when you are going next year, Kevin?
11:20:11 <Maureen> Daisy
11:21:37 <Kevin L> It will be Ashley's last year at school and they start about the 2nd week in September. I may try to make it before she starts so probably about the weekend after Labor Day.
11:22:12 <Kevin L> I was looking forward to Fall trips once the kids got out of school and now Sherri works for the School district so that blows that.
11:22:15 <Maureen> wow, over 8 inches near Boulder.
11:22:29 <Kevin L> Speaking of taking th4e brat to dance class... brb
11:22:30 <Suzanne> so of course I will probably miss you again unless I decide to come really late :-(
11:23:01 <Maureen> Suzanne, you are going to figure out how to work from the basin, right?
11:24:08 <Suzanne> Graham texted me that he is going to get some sleep now and skipping the next Grand.
11:24:32 <Suzanne> So hopefully he'll be wide awake for Morning this evening :-)
11:25:34 <Suzanne> I would love to work from the basin, Maureen.,,,
11:26:02 <Suzanne> ... but there is no Internet reception at Morning so that makes it difficult
11:26:09 <Maureen> I hope Graham can get some rest
11:26:15 <Suzanne> ... and I am on call this week
11:26:20 <Maureen> yes, tell me about that!
11:27:00 <Maureen> I just hope Morning goes again, that is my main hope!
11:27:17 <Suzanne> me too
11:27:38 <Suzanne> I don't like this even longer interval after the Trifecta
11:28:02 <Suzanne> and I don't like all of the short Fountain intervals and Morning's Thief
11:28:21 <Suzanne> ... but the last 3 Fountain intervals have been longer so there is hope
11:28:33 <Suzanne> and nice long Fountain duration, too
11:29:12 <Maureen> yes, that is why I do not want to miss it.
11:29:30 <Maureen> and I hope it goes more than once when it does go again.
11:29:58 <Suzanne> me too, and I sincerely hope you do NOT get a Trifecta
11:30:08 <Suzanne> and Graham still needs to see a dual
11:30:21 <Suzanne> he only has a few days left
11:30:47 <Maureen> forget the duals, I tell him. We WANT SOLOS.
11:30:56 <Maureen> even at night, solo, solo, solo.
11:31:07 <Maureen> Of course, it does not matter what I want....
11:31:42 <Suzanne> I agree, how about you get a series of solos and then a dual on Saturday or Sunday as a send off for Graham
11:31:58 <Maureen> sounds good. I think his last day is Saturday
11:32:18 <Suzanne> oh okay, it better cooperate soon then!
11:32:47 <Maureen> yes please.
11:33:16 <Maureen> T Scott will not be out there at 0130, many people want tomorrow not tonight of course
11:33:18 <Suzanne> I will put in a request for it then, to the geyser gods :-)
11:33:26 <Maureen> for tomorrow?
11:33:32 <Suzanne> sure
11:33:35 <Maureen> be specific, dual
11:33:39 <Maureen> or no dual.
11:33:53 <Maureen> Let's go solo, 1013, tomorrow morning.
11:33:58 <Maureen> he he
11:33:59 <Suzanne> 2 solos for tomorrow, dual on Saturday
11:34:05 <Maureen> nice thinking
11:34:05 <Suzanne> ... please
11:34:16 <Maureen> and NO trifectas
11:34:19 <Maureen> please
11:34:22 <Suzanne> right
11:34:50 <Maureen> at least it was nice out for afternoon FTN today.
11:34:54 <Maureen> that was a plus.
11:34:58 <Maureen> no umbrellas
11:35:30 <Suzanne> yeah, your weather is a lot better there than here in Colorado
11:35:48 <Maureen> thankfully
11:36:00 <Maureen> how is kc doing? Flooding?
11:36:11 <Maureen> did you guys already discuss this?
11:37:19 <Suzanne> don't know about kc
11:39:07 <Suzanne> Maureen, say hi to Scott for me if you see him out at Fountain tomorrow. I did not see him this year.
11:39:35 <Maureen> Scott just got here. He came on F & M day, and I will say hello for you.
11:39:53 <Suzanne> Did he see F & M?
11:39:58 <Maureen> thought kc might chime in here...his place usually gets lots of snow.
11:40:07 <Maureen> so I thought it might be a big rain area too.
11:40:15 <Maureen> Yes, Scott was at F & M
11:40:23 <Suzanne> great!
11:40:31 <Maureen> it was a walk up for a lot of folks after Fountain that day.
11:40:32 <Suzanne> Nice welcome present for him
11:40:51 <Maureen> yes, the Friz saw it too, they left the next day
11:45:07 <kcmule> sorry been watchin the game
11:45:35 <kcmule> im on top floor, no flooding here but downstairs neighbors have large puddle in front of their dorr
11:45:38 <kcmule> *door
11:46:59 <Ryan> OF 1947
11:48:31 <Kitt> Hello all
11:48:40 <Ryan> Hi Kitt
11:48:40 <Maureen> thanks kc.
11:48:41 <Kitt> Say hi to Scott for me too
11:48:42 <Ryan> Hi guys
11:48:43 <Maureen> High Kitt
11:48:52 <Maureen> I will Kitt
11:48:57 <Ryan> So the F&M is the Upper F&M?
11:49:00 <Maureen> He will have hellos from the ladies tomorrow
11:49:09 <Maureen> that Scott saw, yes.
11:49:09 <Kitt> I've been working hard with preschoolers
11:49:21 <Ryan> What was the time?
11:49:33 <Kevin L> Is that why you are high?
11:49:56 <Kitt> It's been good, but I've been calling it a night pretty early
11:50:08 <Suzanne> Kitt are you going to Yellowatone this weekend?
11:50:10 <Kitt> LC and Nellie made it home safe
11:50:14 <Kitt> no
11:50:52 <Kitt> Thanks for your text Suzanne
11:51:03 <Kitt> It took me a while to figure out who it was from
11:51:16 <Ryan> Was it around 1630?
11:51:26 <Suzanne> that wasn't me, Kitt
11:51:37 <Ryan> Depression 1951ns
11:51:41 <Maureen> what are you asking Ryan? Look on GT for Fan and Mortar time.
11:51:50 <Ryan> Its not there?
11:52:18 <Ryan> Last one 3d ago... according to GT
11:52:28 <Maureen> that is the one.
11:52:31 <ynpvisitor92> Not one today, Ryan
11:52:33 <Ryan> BHI 1952 start
11:52:36 <Maureen> Scott's first day
11:52:40 <Ryan> OH, I thought it was today
11:52:44 <Ryan> Sorry
11:53:04 <Kevin L> BTW today we are over 2 years for Giantess regardless of what GT says.
11:53:18 <Maureen> no, people would have been talking about that!
11:53:32 <craigmon99> I think beehive is going to go this time. We've been on about a 1 day schedule. And yes giantess has sadly eluded us for 2 years now
11:53:55 <Ryan> I thought yall were pretty quite for F&M going :D
11:54:00 <Kevin L> AND I will be back on bus duty when it will be prime time for BH
11:54:15 <Ryan> Who is driving?
11:54:24 <Maureen> night bus driving Kevin?
11:54:35 <Kevin L> GT still wants to call it 1 year.
11:54:46 <ynpvisitor92> Bye that girl a car, Kevin!:)
11:54:55 <craigmon99> Yeah, GT is being too optimistic
11:55:06 <Kevin L> Yep. Wife is near God's country and I geet to take the brat to dance classes.
11:55:18 <Kevin L> geet=get
11:55:26 <craigmon99> lol
11:55:26 <Maureen> unfortunately the weather here is supposed to be very rainy the next 2 days.
11:55:41 <Kevin L> Looks clear now.
11:55:43 <Maureen> brat? Be nice Kevin. I am sure your daughter is very nice.
11:56:05 <Kevin L> Youngest daughter. What can I say?
11:56:20 <Dave from B> Maybe she is jusr spoiled?
11:56:40 <Maureen> Dave from B, when did you arrive?
11:56:44 <Kevin L> I think somewhat.
11:56:58 <Ryan> Woah
11:57:01 <Dave from B> I snuck under the radar...just doing some paperwork
11:57:04 <Ryan> Nice boil at Giantess?
11:57:40 <Ryan> LS 1957ie
11:58:04 <Dave from B> More heavy rain coming our way for Fri and Sat...O, yeah:(
11:58:24 <Ryan> After my backpacking trip, I dont cmplain about rain no more
11:59:06 <Dave from B> Yes, I hate camping/backpacking in the rain
11:59:25 <Dave from B> Suzanne, great sunset photo on FB
11:59:56 <Suzanne> thanks Dave
12:00:03 <Kevin L> My idea of roughing it is a motel without cable TV.
12:00:20 <Dave from B> That must be why you like OFL cabins!
12:00:59 <craigmon99> giantess boiled?
12:01:13 <Ryan> Looked like it... nice big steam surge
12:01:22 <Maureen> just steam is all
12:01:22 <craigmon99> hmmmm
12:01:36 <Ryan> Though, if the steam doesnt touch the top of the cam view and theres water rolling down to Anemone....
12:01:50 <Ryan> Then I really dont get excited. Boiling means nothing anymore
12:01:55 <craigmon99> Who is cam op?
12:02:03 <Ryan> The "North Side Boil" doesnt apply
12:02:08 <Kevin L> cb. Not on the page.
12:02:17 <Ryan> 10 into BHI
12:02:33 <Ryan> Feeling lucky... punks?
12:02:34 <craigmon99> Im not familiar with giantess terms. Kinda the newbie here
12:02:56 <Maureen> cb still driving? I figured kc had picked it up by now
12:03:08 <Ryan> "North Side Boils" were boils from the 80s and 90s (I think) that were good indicators of Giantess *Trying* to start
12:03:33 <craigmon99> So why doesn't it apply?
12:03:34 <Ryan> The north side of the pool would surge during a boil to 2 to 3 feet and just pump water out like mad.
12:04:00 <Ryan> Because boils and surges are semi common and dont necessarily indicate anything anymore
12:04:23 <Ryan> Used to be that it meant Giantess was trying, now they just happen
12:04:24 <Kitt> I would love a Bee please
12:04:34 <craigmon99> awww. The best geyser activity seems to be before my time
12:04:34 <Ryan> So until I see bursting...
12:04:36 <Suzanne> me, too
12:04:41 <Kevin L> B
12:04:41 <Ryan> Anyone feel free to correct me
12:05:06 <Ryan> Craig, we will have our times lol
12:05:10 <Dave from B> Ryan, you forgot a period at the end of your sentence!:D
12:05:27 <craigmon99> I feel so young XD
12:05:30 <Ryan> Hahaha
12:06:10 <Ryan> The only time I have ever considered Giantess as maybe erupting was walking back one night from Grand with Dave and halfway between Sawmill and Lion it started "misting"... on a clear night
12:06:25 <Ryan> Personally, I thought we were gonna walk up to Giantess
12:06:25 <Kitt> Hey Maureen, has Morning been napping?
12:06:41 <Dave from B> Kitt, it misses your flashlight
12:06:51 <craigmon99> Well at least you got to see giantess do something
12:06:55 <kcmule> not drivin here. gt is missing some reports
12:07:01 <Kitt> Yes, twin power is gone from the basin
12:07:04 <Ryan> Never saw it do anything
12:07:19 <Dave from B> Steve O's granddaughter is sure cute
12:07:19 <Maureen> we are thinking it is about to wake up Kitt
12:07:29 <Maureen> finally, 10 days soon
12:07:44 <Kitt> have you been getting better boiling?
12:07:50 <Maureen> Looking at photos of the flooding, road to RMNP is washed out.
12:08:08 <Kitt> where is RMNP?
12:08:14 <Maureen> the weather service says floods of BIBLICAL proportions.
12:08:21 <Maureen> Rocky Mountain
12:08:22 <Ryan> Rocky Mountain?
12:08:26 <Maureen> Estes Park
12:08:34 <Kitt> oh
12:08:35 <Ryan> Denver-ish area
12:08:40 <Ryan> Northwest of Denver
12:08:43 <Maureen> And to Morning, it boiled nicely today, this last eruption, only.
12:08:52 <Suzanne> yes, very bad for Estes Park, Lyons, Boulder areas
12:08:53 <Maureen> before that, it was flat, flat, flat.
12:09:02 <craigmon99> Holy cow thats some serious flooding
12:09:10 <Maureen> the photos are crazy, whole road washed away.
12:09:12 <Ryan> Biblical, eh?
12:09:26 <Kitt> wish cb would zoom in on bee
12:09:35 <Suzanne> I thought Graham said there had been earlier boils?
12:09:40 <Dave from B> That storm is supposed to be leaking our way tomorrow and Saturday
12:09:43 <Maureen> I guess a dam is compromised too.
12:09:48 <Kitt> I didn't get to see it either weekend
12:09:54 <Maureen> I texted her.
12:09:58 <Kevin L> Probably can't see it now. The more you zoom, the darker it gets.
12:10:01 <Ryan> Prime time on indy soon
12:10:06 <Maureen> not sure she is on anymore. Cam has not moved, I think it is on preset
12:10:16 <Maureen> maybe Kevin or kc will take it
12:10:23 <Ryan> I think we are gonna get a black outline... but I'll take it!
12:10:37 <Kitt> who has been getting the night Fountains?
12:10:42 <craigmon99> Ryan did you see my picture of what I think was Fireball geyser?
12:10:57 <Maureen> not too often a NOAA statement will say BIBLICAL, wonder who wrote it?
12:10:59 <Ryan> The one of Whirligig?
12:11:09 <Suzanne> Graham, Micah, Bruce, Nick have been out at night
12:11:18 <Kevin L> I am heading out in about 5, but I don't think zoom will do anything.
12:11:35 <craigmon99> No ill send a link
12:11:44 <Maureen> OK, thanks Kevin.
12:11:59 <Maureen> with that, I am off. Night all, hopefully Morning will visit on Sept 13 at some time!
12:12:08 <craigmon99>
12:12:12 <Suzanne> Good luck Maureen
12:12:19 <Maureen> hope the CO peeps are all OK
12:12:22 <craigmon99> I think thats fireball
12:12:22 <Ryan> When its more than "hellish" and less than "godly"
12:12:24 <Maureen> thanks Suzanne
12:12:25 <Kevin L> I really wish we had a night vision mode.
12:12:33 <Maureen> yep, me too
12:12:52 <Dave from B> Bye, Maureen
12:13:00 <Kevin L> Well good luck with BH.
12:13:04 <Ryan> See ya Maureen
12:13:10 <Ryan> min
12:13:11 <Kitt> 2:30 AM Morning eruption
12:13:15 <Ryan> 20min
12:13:44 <craigmon99> Is it fireball? I know its not constant
12:14:10 <Dave from B> Kitt or Suzanne, did you see craigmon's link?
12:14:40 <Dave from B> I don't know much about Norris
12:15:07 <Ryan> Looks like a nice splash
12:15:16 <craigmon99> Ryan the whirligig picture is my favorite BTW
12:15:23 <craigmon99>
12:15:32 <craigmon99> Trying to compare it with this video
12:15:40 <Ryan> Looks like ti
12:15:41 <Ryan> it
12:16:06 <craigmon99> Well that happened at pretty much the same time the constant geyser sensor spiked
12:16:14 <craigmon99> Whirligig was also around that time
12:18:07 <Ryan> Come on Bee, push!
12:18:15 <Suzanne> I could not see Craig's link to the photo
12:18:52 <craigmon99>
12:19:19 <Ryan> Yes, that looks (to me) like Fireball
12:19:38 <Dave from B> That link works
12:19:52 <Kitt> I believe that is Fireball
12:19:56 <Ryan> If Bee is gonna go, it will be soon.
12:20:05 <Dave from B> Well, good night all. "See" you all tomorrow
12:20:15 <Ryan> Adios Dave
12:20:23 <Suzanne> Good night Dave
12:20:27 <craigmon99> Yeah I gotta go 2. Ill be on tomorrow at about 4 or 5pm
12:20:43 <Kitt> Night all and good night Beehive
12:20:48 <Ryan> See ya Craig
12:20:51 <Ryan> Night Kitt
12:22:57 <Ryan> No Bee tonight :(
12:23:43 <Suzanne> Good night, GO MORNING
12:23:56 <Ryan> Night Suzanne
12:50:19 <Kevin L> Hey Will FYI Giantess went over 2 years today, but GT left it at 1 year.