Showing logs for date: 2022-07-09
06:30:33 <Kat> OF
07:31:41 <Kat> :daisy:
08:10:10 <Kat> OF
08:52:16 <TomK> Good morning all (all 5 of you)
08:52:38 <Kat> Hi Tom!
08:53:13 <Kat> Been a quiet morning
08:57:55 <TomK> I'm logged on, so whenever you're ready
08:58:24 <Kat> It's all yours - have a good drive
08:58:35 <TomK> Thanks
08:59:50 <TomK> I'll take a peek at the hill, then it's Daisy then OF
09:00:03 <Kat> :thumbsup:
09:00:18 <Kat> I'd be watching for Lion too
09:00:57 <TomK> No bison in plain sight
09:01:09 <TomK> OK
09:05:09 <Kevin Reno> Hope you have your NoDoz today Tom.
09:05:47 <Kat> :)
09:07:11 <TomK> :)
09:07:34 <TomK> Just a cuppa Tay
09:09:07 <TomK> "Castle to Lion" setting. I hope I can see Daisy on my old monitor
09:10:57 <Kevin Reno> Hopefully we will get a new cam with a control screen that we can see.
09:13:42 <TomK> My picture is around 2 1/2 by 4 on my 15-year-old monitor
09:19:10 <Kevin Reno> I think it is smaller on mine. I need to get cat5 run to my depot so I can use that one.
09:22:18 <TomK> "cat 5 run to my depot" now you're talking way over my head ;)
09:26:29 <TomK> Daisy
09:27:19 <Kevin Reno> I have a shop in my backyard that is built like a railroad depot. It has an office and wood shop. Cat5 is computer network cable which is much faster than WiFi.
09:28:12 <TomK> Thank you :)
09:29:01 <TomK> And thank you, Daisy for going before the Old Faithful window
09:32:14 <TomK> Old Faithful window
09:35:23 <Kevin Reno> Was up at Tahoe yesterday. Saw gas for $7.60 there. :p
09:41:29 <TomK> My son lives near San Diego, tells me that The gas made at the same refinery to the same (California) standards is .75 cents cheaper in Yuma, AZ
09:41:50 <TomK> Old Faithful
09:44:30 <TomK> Long
09:44:32 <Kevin Reno> San Diego was unreal when I was there in January. What is really strange is gas in Tonopah is cheaper than Reno!
10:03:33 <TomK> Riverside window
10:20:49 <Kevin Reno> I even got caught in a burro jam in Beatty Tom.
10:25:03 <TomK> LOL
10:27:12 <TomK> My daughtr and I went from Phoenix to Bellingham in May. Las Vegas, Tonopah, Fallon, Ely & Wendover in NV
10:31:12 <Kevin Reno> Long trip
10:33:13 <TomK> Just part of round trip from Bellingham to Yellowstone to Phoenix to Bellingham, 4,200 miles.
10:34:28 <Kevin Reno> We have a long one planned in August to ride trains in colorado
10:35:26 <TomK> My daughter only on the leg from Phoenix to Bellingham
10:36:47 <TomK> AFK a few to make another cup of tea. river is due
10:46:24 <TomK> My son & I planning a road trip San Diego to Phoenix, Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, Bryce & Zion, maybe Arches & Canyonlands, Dead Horse Point... Just a little concern about weather (snow) in October
10:47:47 <TomK> Anybody see any activity at Riverside?
10:56:14 <TomK> Riverside past window, must have missed it
11:05:44 <TomK> Old Faithful window
11:41:17 <TomK> Old Faithful 1140
11:42:01 <5> so a 2 hour interval...
11:42:16 <TomK> 2 hour interval
11:42:52 <5> and a rather quick up and down for the crowd...
11:43:00 <TomK> Short?
11:43:16 <5> not sure about that, sure seemed short though, in every way
11:43:27 <5> wow, just died there too...odd
11:44:18 <5> I would think VEC was timing it...
11:45:00 <TomK> Short, but I'll check with the VC
11:45:38 <5> did they take the mask indoor mandate away again so soon?
11:46:49 <5> VEC has it as short with next prediction at 1247
11:48:13 <5> is that wind blowing the grass in the foreground?
11:48:34 <5> looks like ants crawling across my screen
11:49:58 <TomK> Thanks, they didn't answer the phone when I called. Short. I'll enter it
11:50:20 <5> do you know about the mandate on masks?
11:52:36 <TomK> Mandate for masks inside all buildings, but according to my source, not being enforced.
11:53:04 <5> I bet most tourists are NOT traveling with masks, they would have to hand them out
11:53:16 <TomK> You would need a cop at every entrance to every building to enforce it.
11:53:25 <5> Yellowstone FB sites saying mandate is over because it is now MODERATE level
11:53:59 <5> I bet the rest rooms are a good spot to pick up COVID
11:54:11 <TomK> it was only mandated for 2 or3 days? LOL
11:54:30 <5> well that is why I asked you, I know you have an inside source...
11:54:52 <5> FB has so much bulls**t on it
11:54:57 <KorbenC> Morning Tom :)
11:56:31 <TomK> Hi KorbenC
11:57:04 <KorbenC> How has Beehive been looking?
11:59:19 <TomK> Bee has been quiet, haven't checked in a while
12:00:13 <KorbenC> :thumbsup: Probably this afternoon, maybe like 1600. Thx for the zoom
12:00:32 <TomK> Asking about masks. waiting for text response. May take a while, VC swamped after every OF eruption.
12:02:43 <5> Thanks Tom. I imagine it is madness in there after OF, I bet they are fielding questions like "Is it always that small?" HA
12:02:53 <5> That was a wimpy OF
12:07:07 <TomK> When they had a mask mandate last summer, they handed out masks and had a garbage pile of discarded masks just outside every door to the VC.
12:07:27 <TomK> they also had a lot of anger and shouting
12:12:39 <5> people are ridiculous about masks
12:15:46 <5> we missed Daisy
12:34:12 <TomK> Old faithful window
12:42:25 <TomK> Old Faithful 1241
12:43:01 <5> 61 min
12:45:22 <TomK> Long
12:48:15 <TomK> Gazers sitting on Bee?
12:48:16 <Michelle> Good afternoon
12:50:03 <TomK> hi Michelle. It's quiet time for a while
12:51:52 <Michelle> I can handle quiet!:)
12:58:17 <KorbenC> .
12:58:17 <KorbenC> .
12:58:17 <KorbenC> .
12:58:18 <KorbenC> .
12:58:19 <KorbenC> INDY
12:58:40 <KorbenC> Makes sense :) Hot and sunny
12:58:55 <Michelle> Whenever you are ready Tom
12:59:17 <TomK> OK
12:59:27 <KorbenC> Hi Michelle, if you are quick enough you will have Beehive
12:59:45 <TomK> I'm off
13:00:08 <Michelle> Thanks for driving Tom. Have a great afternoon!
13:00:09 <TomK> Indy? !!
13:00:59 <TomK> I suppose I can stay and watch. ;)
13:02:01 <KorbenC> We are 10 minutes into BHI
13:02:17 <5> no post on GT, odd
13:02:49 <KorbenC> Mine is in there, in basin is going to wait until after Beehive to enter it. But there are gazers there
13:03:20 <5> hmm, just showed up on my GT
13:03:42 <KorbenC> I just entered it :) In basin is too preoccupied giving the "you want to wait here" speech
13:06:02 <5> Korben, did you ever get a shower when you were there?
13:06:17 <KorbenC> Twice! :D
13:07:33 <5> I'm wondering where BH will land in this wind, kind of seems to be swirling about
13:07:51 <KorbenC> It is going to land wherever the crowds are
13:08:08 <5> crowds on both sides
13:08:11 <TomK> Ruined a felt flat hat the first time i was on the boardwalk with a group
13:08:11 <Kat (phone)> No text but happened to walk by the computer!!
13:08:43 <5> long indy
13:09:15 <Michelle> :bee:
13:09:20 <KorbenC> Before the first shower I got on my trip, I tried to stop a visitor who rudly respondes "No, I dont think I will" which got Beehive angry, he ended up with a much unwanted soaking
13:10:04 <Kat (phone)> :bee:
13:10:11 <KorbenC> It is very nice that Beehive 1) Hates the rain, 2) Hates the cold, 3) Hates the night. Makes it a very user friendly geyser IMHO
13:10:31 <Kat (phone)> Run,run,run
13:10:52 <KorbenC> run the other way!
13:11:15 <KorbenC> "13:07:51 ‹KorbenC› It is going to land wherever the crowds are 13:08:08 ‹5› crowds on both sides" Exactly, lol
13:11:39 <5> so far, pretty safe for crowds, too bad
13:12:04 <KorbenC> seems to only be getting the fringes, trying to entice people in?
13:12:22 <Kat (phone)> :)
13:12:31 <KorbenC> Kids getting a shower, that is nice. I hate it when parents wont let their kids take a soaking
13:12:51 <5> finally moving the left side
13:12:58 <KorbenC> Maybe 140ft on that Beehive, 150? Nice
13:13:15 <Kat (phone)> Very nice!
13:14:07 <Michelle> Thank you :bee:
13:14:09 <5> that was a nice one
13:14:26 <KorbenC> Good job Beehive, nice and long one
13:14:33 <5> is Kitt still there? Haven't seen her take any showers
13:14:49 <KorbenC> Yes Kitt is there, I dont know if she takes showers anymore
13:16:50 <KorbenC> Most gazers have been able to get to most Beehives, long indys + people calling the good signs on the radio gives at least 15min warning recently
13:16:51 <TomK> Bye now. with a start like that, it's already a good shift, Michelle.
13:17:03 <KorbenC> Maybe Giantess next TOm? Cya later
13:17:18 <TomK> ;)
13:17:42 <KorbenC> Wind is mostly calm, and it was apparently putting out alot of water yesterday. You never know :D
13:18:00 <Kevin 🚂> Barely missed it
13:18:31 <Michelle> Bye Tom. Have a great afternoon
14:06:23 <Michelle> OF window
14:12:59 <Michelle> :daisy:
14:36:12 <Michelle> OF
14:38:17 <Michelle> super short!!
15:30:13 <Michelle> OF window
15:41:11 <linda> hi
15:41:30 <Michelle> OF
15:41:34 <Betty> hi linda
15:41:59 <Michelle> Hi Linda
15:42:03 <linda> Betty, hi
15:42:05 <Michelle> Hi Betty
15:42:13 <Betty> hi Michelle
15:42:15 <linda> Michelle, hi
15:42:27 <Betty> tall start for OF
15:59:23 <linda> signing in
15:59:45 <Michelle> Controls released
16:00:06 <Michelle> Have a great afternoon.
16:00:27 <linda> thx
16:00:42 <Betty> thx Michele
16:00:51 <Michelle> After losing 65 lbs, I need to go do some clothes shopping.
16:01:08 <Michelle> Have a good one!
16:01:10 <Betty> wow, congrats
16:01:51 <linda> Michelle, nice
16:02:28 <KorbenC> Beehive looks like a frosted donut
16:02:55 <LindaG> KorbenC, it does
16:03:27 <KorbenC> one crunchy donut if you try to eat it tho
16:03:54 <LindaG> Grand is a bit late
16:04:46 <KorbenC> Grand is a pain
16:07:18 <LindaG> Ok, who goes first, lion, daisy or grand?
16:08:31 <Betty> I guess Lion, Daisy, then Grand
16:08:49 <LindaG> :)
16:09:49 <LindaG> Oh I guess I missed beehive
16:10:58 <Betty> what are these yellow buses?
16:11:54 <LindaG> And a red ine
16:12:01 <LindaG> *one
16:12:23 <LindaG> No idea
16:12:47 <Betty> can you do a short zoom please?
16:12:54 <Betty> daisy
16:13:53 <LindaG> Jim is on it
16:14:29 <LindaG> Betty, when daisy is done
16:14:53 <Betty> sure, no hurry
16:16:58 <Betty> oh, ctours...
16:17:12 <Betty> did not expect that
16:17:32 <LindaG> Betty, what were you thinking itnwas?
16:17:57 <Betty> I feared it was c tours
16:18:21 <LindaG> Oh 😕
16:20:44 <LindaG> Lion
16:44:09 <LindaG> Grand is broken
17:04:53 <LindaG> Castle
17:24:16 <linda> OF
17:26:27 <linda> Short
18:10:22 <LindaG> Daisy
18:10:24 <Betty> :daisy:
18:13:31 <Kevin Reno> I wanted Oblong
18:14:03 <LindaG> :)
18:16:37 <Kevin Reno> BH went while I was training but it looks like it didn’t get recorded. :(
18:17:19 <LindaG> yeah when I took cam it was already done
18:21:49 <Kevin Reno> Bummer.
18:22:19 <Betty> hi Kevin
18:22:28 <LindaG> yeah had no idea it had erupted
18:22:51 <Betty> I missed it too
18:23:10 <LindaG> Bummer
18:32:50 <LindaG> Hello Lori hello
18:34:52 <Lori S> hello LindaG hello
18:35:17 <LindaG> .:gt:
18:35:30 <LindaG> Oops
18:35:33 <LindaG> :)
18:35:55 <Lori S> :D
18:36:09 <LindaG> OF taking its time
18:36:51 <Lori S> LindaG, Good actually. Dog will need out around 8. :)
18:37:12 <LindaG> :)
18:37:28 <Lori S> Making a quick dinner right now.
18:37:46 <LindaG> :thumbsup:
18:38:17 <Lori S> I fell fast asleep after the Floor Guy left for work so I'm glad I set a reminder alarm.
18:38:37 <LindaG> Of
18:38:57 <KorbenC> Hi Lori
18:39:03 <KorbenC> are you the driver this evening?
18:39:10 <LindaG> I always have one set, for somenreason Monday night was hard to.remember
18:42:54 <Lori S> KorbenC, I am. fasten your seatbelt. :p
18:43:21 <LindaG> ;)
18:43:25 <KorbenC> Fasten my seatbelt? I have better odds jumping ship
18:43:28 <KorbenC> :P
18:44:10 <Lori S> KorbenC, Well, at least eat some ginger for sea sickness.
18:44:27 <KorbenC> lol
18:45:15 <KorbenC> You might have Oblong and a Dome initial, other than that a Daisy which will probably be missed for OF. You are going to fall asleep at the wheel!
18:45:50 <Lori S> KorbenC, I saw that. Hey, I caught Castle last week. Who knows.
18:46:19 <KorbenC> Major at 1704, that would be a miracle!
18:47:21 <Lori S> KorbenC, No, I meant I might get some other that isnt expected
18:47:40 <KorbenC> Giantess maybe? :)
18:47:48 <Lori S> KorbenC, About when for Oblong & Dome?
18:48:50 <KorbenC> Probably today or tomorrow. But there literally isn't anything as likely, at least that I know of (besides OF and Anemone of course)
18:49:58 <LindaG> Well oblong, giantess the rebirth of aurum. Lion had been erupting but interrupted by OF
18:50:20 <KorbenC> I think Giantess has better odds than Oblong
18:50:27 <KorbenC> Aurum*
18:50:42 <KorbenC> Oblong has better odds than anything not predictable or regular like Sawmill and Anemone
18:51:19 <KorbenC> Aurum is so dry you could use it as flour
18:51:24 <LindaG> Lion erupted 2.5 hours ago so maybe check the hill in about a half hour
18:52:01 <KorbenC> Yea, Lion could go if it did have a missed eruption
18:54:28 <Lori S> LindaG, :thumbsup:
19:00:13 <LindaG> Lori S, all yours, ready?
19:00:21 <Lori S> I'm in whenever you're ready.
19:00:33 <LindaG> Controls released
19:01:00 <Lori S> LindaG, Got em.
19:01:26 <LindaG> Lori S, this is exciting.
19:01:56 <Lori S> LindaG, It is! I think I will explore a little since I have time.
19:02:12 <LindaG> go for it :)
19:04:09 <Lori S> Haha. Giantess is way off
19:04:34 <linda> lol some of the presets are off
19:07:18 <Lori S> whoops
19:09:34 <linda> tardy ie
19:11:18 <Lori S> Well, maybe I will try for Lone Star.
19:11:26 <Lori S> >(:D:lol:
19:11:32 <linda> maybe old tardy?
19:14:49 <Greg 🤠> Just wanted to pop in and say good luck Lori on your first cam
19:15:14 <Lori S> Greg 🤠, Thanks! (It's my 2nd)
19:15:23 <Greg 🤠> Cheater haha
19:15:39 <Greg 🤠> Enjoy and welcome aboard
19:16:24 <Lori S> Greg 🤠, Can't you tell by my Inn rook view that I have experience? :D
19:16:34 <Lori S> roof*
19:16:43 <Greg 🤠> You are fitting right in
19:16:45 <Lori S> Greg 🤠, and thanks
19:21:16 <Kevin Reno> Zzzzzzzzzzz
19:21:30 <Greg 🤠> Kevin how's Reno?
19:21:45 <Lori S> Kevin Reno, :i::i:
19:22:24 <linda> Greg 🤠, hi
19:22:31 <linda> Kevin Reno, hi
19:22:45 <Greg 🤠> Hi Linda, are you all caught back up on your sleep and yard work?
19:23:37 <Kevin Reno> Expensive. Went to Virginia City today and took a mine tour and rode the Virginia & Truckee.
19:23:43 <linda> Greg 🤠, :) I'm working on it. Long trip but it was fun. I think in the future I'll keep it to 10 days
19:24:20 <Kevin Reno> Gas in Reno is 6 bucks a galllon.
19:24:28 <Greg 🤠> And 10 days is a long time as well.
19:24:46 <linda> Greg 🤠, It is. 2.5 weeks was a bit much
19:25:01 <Greg 🤠> Kevin, our daughter is driving to WI and tonight they are in Lincoln NW, Price is $4.31
19:25:26 <linda> Kevin Reno, At the north rim it was $6.69 :-/
19:25:48 <Greg 🤠> Linda, but you had a great time. That is what counts, and all the great new memories.
19:26:02 <linda> Greg 🤠, It was very nice
19:28:36 <Kevin Reno> It was over 7 in Tahoe
19:28:48 <linda> Kevin Reno, wow
19:30:54 <Kevin Reno> We are still laughing about getting stuck in a burro jam.
19:31:17 <Greg 🤠> Like a buffo jam
19:32:15 <Kevin Reno> Yep, but with burros.
19:48:31 <Greg 🤠> Night all, Lori welcome and have fun. Later gators. Keep smiling
19:48:59 <Lori S> Good night Greg 🤠
19:49:07 <KorbenC> Night Greg
19:49:40 <Lori S> When Sprinkler takes center stage, it's a slow night.
19:50:50 <Kevin Reno> Night
19:51:36 <Kevin Reno> Maybe Giantess will surprise you
19:51:36 <DanS> Lori S, hi - have you been getting into the park ever since ALPS quit?
19:52:14 <Lori S> Kevin Reno, We can hope.
19:52:32 <Lori S> DanS, Norris Back Basin last Sunday at sunrise.
19:55:37 <DanS> Nice. made it a worthwhile trek for sure, now just need SB to cooperate sometime, eh?
19:56:10 <Lori S> DanS, Don't hold ur breath.
19:56:38 <DanS> Hear ya on that!
19:57:46 <Lori S> Just coming out of Disturbance
20:00:08 <DanS> :daisy:
20:02:15 <Lori S> OF window
20:21:17 <Lori S> of
20:26:12 <KorbenC> Can we please do a minute or two on Giantess? Wind is calm
20:28:01 <KorbenC> Pool certainly higher than it was earlier today
20:29:10 <Lori S> Too close?
20:29:28 <KorbenC> Not at all, perfect :)
20:29:46 <Lori S> KorbenC, You did say please. :)
20:29:59 <KorbenC> Hopefully we see at least a boil for our time
20:30:12 <KorbenC> Thank you Mrs. Camop
20:30:32 <Lori S> KorbenC, You are very welcome sir.
20:30:49 <KorbenC> Boil boil
20:31:07 <Lori S> nice
20:31:10 <KorbenC> small, but nice N rim
20:31:32 <KorbenC> more small boiling, probably just starting one of those episodes of boiling
20:32:04 <Lori S> Anyone mind if I leave it here a few? Dumping our trailer toilet.
20:32:08 <Lori S> TMI?
20:32:32 <linda> go for it
20:32:41 <linda> :D
20:32:47 <KorbenC> Lol, nah. "Enjoy" :P
20:34:48 <KorbenC> wide boil
20:35:20 <KorbenC> That one pushed water out of the pool
20:39:19 <Kevin Reno> It will go tomorrow when I am between Fallon and Beatty.
20:39:50 <KorbenC> Is Linda the one Giantess likes?
20:40:18 <Lori S> KorbenC, until now :p
20:40:32 <KorbenC> lets hope
20:40:50 <linda> KorbenC, kevin but ithink shesfond of me too
20:41:28 <Kevin Reno> I think I have 3 of the last 4.
20:41:51 <KorbenC> Now if only your luck could get Aurum back
21:26:54 <linda> good night all
21:27:13 <Lori S> night linda
21:44:44 <Lori S> OF window
22:13:40 <Lori S> of finally
22:18:01 <Lori S> Leaving on Castle to Lion. Good night all.