Showing logs for date: 2023-03-27
07:28:54 <Kat> OF
07:29:24 <linda> morning
07:30:42 <Kat> Morning!
07:42:55 <Kat> Nice view at OF :)
07:43:16 <Betty> ohhh, amazing
07:43:25 <Betty> hi Kat, linda
07:43:26 <Kat> :thumbsup:
07:43:33 <Kat> Morning Betty
07:46:03 <Betty> bbl
07:50:28 <linda> Betty, hi
08:19:42 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> This Mammoth picture looks awesome:
08:26:32 <Kat> Wow!
08:39:52 <CalebD> Morning All!
08:42:12 <CalebD> Anemone Bie ie
08:42:15 <CalebD> *Big
08:50:10 <CalebD> Dep crash
09:19:08 <Kat> Another long OF interval
09:19:21 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
09:20:04 <CalebD> Not even any preplay yet
09:22:46 <CalebD> There some preplay
09:22:48 <Kat> OF
09:22:58 <CalebD> OF
09:23:15 <Katie šŸ»> Good morning
09:23:31 <CalebD> Morning Katie
09:23:42 <Kat> Katie šŸ», Hi katie, Caleb
09:25:54 <Kat> short
09:26:02 <CalebD> Short I think
09:27:08 <Kat> Hopefully we will get some clearing soon!
09:28:16 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
09:31:43 <.don> Random rookie question: I've subscribed to "The G.G. Sput" (I think) but haven't recieved one yet. When was the most recent one sent out?
09:33:11 <DanS (working)> .don, got my last Sput on Feb 16th
09:36:00 <DanS (working)> email contact:
09:36:35 <.don> thanks
09:40:55 <CalebD> .don, I got my last one Feb. 15th
09:41:31 <.don> Thanks CalebD. I'm digging further, and following up with GOSA
09:44:30 <CalebD> You may also need to make sure your shipping adress is set up (It does not automaticaly do that)
09:45:52 <.don> CalebD: will do. It appears that I actually subscribed more recently than Feb 15. Feels like longer ago than that. I think I'm good. Thanks everyone!
09:46:23 <Kat> I got ythe Feb/March issue
09:47:00 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> More bear chow
09:47:07 <Kat> :)
09:47:14 <CalebD> .don, Your welcome
09:49:27 <Kat> You can also contact Pat Snyder about the Sput
09:51:59 <CalebD> Nice things cleared up
09:54:49 <Kat> :thumbsup:
10:01:15 <Kat> Katie šŸ», Have a good drive!
10:01:39 <CalebD> Thanks for driving Kat!
10:01:49 <Kat> CalebD, yw
10:31:00 <Katie šŸ»> OF
11:48:53 <Betty> hi again
11:49:33 <Betty> wow, you all have nothing to say? lol
11:49:40 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
11:49:49 <Katie šŸ»> I'm too busy sneezing
11:50:06 <Katie šŸ»> My allergies are in hyperdrive today
11:50:13 <Betty> hi Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ, sorry for wake you up
11:50:20 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> I was watching the end of Wait Until Dark.
11:51:35 <Betty> sorry to hear that Katie šŸ», my workmate was the same today. Red eyes and sneezing all time :-p
11:52:06 <Katie šŸ»> I'm amazed it's breaking through all my meds this badly. But so it goes..
11:53:34 <Betty> prediction board is pretty empty
11:56:52 <Betty> speaking of prediction...OF window
12:16:59 <Betty> there we go
12:21:45 <Art> Thoughts on Tantalus temp chart?
12:23:32 <Art> Actually scratch that, went back 30 days, nothing to see here carry on ;)
12:26:11 <DanS (working)> Like the static cam, sure will be nice when they can get these devices back working again!
12:26:54 <Betty> hi Art, DanS (working)
12:27:37 <DanS (working)> Hi Betty, lunchtime
12:28:03 <Betty> lol, I have dinner
12:28:04 <Art> Hopefully they can get the data while they were offline to see what may or may not have happened
12:28:29 <DanS (working)> :thumbsup:
12:58:31 <DanS (working)> Probably should start checking on Grand after 1300, based on double interval
12:58:57 <CalebD> Yeah looks about right
13:04:32 <CalebD> Nice wind for Grand, will be a great eruption if the sun is out when it erupts
13:05:03 <CalebD> Likely Turban
13:05:43 <Betty> disappointed people at west entrance
13:06:04 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
13:06:22 <CalebD> Lest hop we get grand the next turban cycle
13:06:27 <CalebD> Sawmill
13:07:24 <Betty> bbl
13:08:15 <CalebD> Betty, ?
13:21:46 <no> Anything exciting today?
13:22:03 <CalebD> Hopefully grand soon
13:22:27 <no> Beside Cactus waking up, I am sure that excites him every day.
13:22:28 <CalebD> The next turban cycle should be in 5ish minuets
13:28:03 <CalebD> Turban
13:30:22 <DanS (working)> :daisy:
13:30:30 <CalebD> Diays
13:30:35 <CalebD> *daisy
13:35:04 <CalebD> DanS (working), Are you driving right now?
13:35:26 <DanS (working)> no
13:35:51 <CalebD> Do you know how is?
13:35:58 <CalebD> *who
13:36:08 <Katie šŸ»> me
13:37:10 <CalebD> Thanks Katie, can you look at grand at 1348 ish if OF had not gone yet?
13:37:52 <Ben VL> prolly by 1345 just to be safe
13:38:48 <CalebD> It should be fine if you go later just not later than 1354
13:42:05 <Ben VL> 1353 3/4?
13:42:40 <CalebD> Ben VL, Sounds good
13:45:29 <CalebD> OF will likely be on the last side as the last eruption was longer than 4m 30s
13:46:26 <CalebD> Had to say but turban may have been ie
13:47:23 <Katie šŸ»> Looked like at 13:45 to me
13:47:47 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
13:48:19 <CalebD> We are probaly safe for grand this cycle
13:48:53 <CalebD> Next Turban should be at 1301-1309
13:49:07 <CalebD> Sorry 1401-1409
13:50:17 <Ben VL> we're at about a double 6h 45
13:54:24 <Katie šŸ»> OF
13:54:25 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
13:57:45 <CalebD> Lon
13:57:48 <CalebD> *Long
13:59:15 <CalebD> That steam is not turban
14:07:24 <CalebD> Turban
14:09:00 <CalebD> Ok next Turban should be at 1423-1431
14:11:24 <Katie šŸ»> LC
14:11:44 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
14:11:53 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Buffet is almost closed
14:31:19 <CalebD> Turban I think
14:32:17 <CalebD> Yeah Turban
14:33:54 <Ben VL> gonna guess that interval acted like a delay
14:34:09 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
14:34:26 <CalebD> It was right at a normal interval, bieng 23m
14:34:35 <CalebD> But probaly a delay
14:35:29 <Ben VL> A lot of those 23/24m turbans can exhibit delay like behavior from grand
14:35:51 <CalebD> Acualy it looks like it was a 21m interval
14:36:25 <no> Looks like the diner is closed for the season.
14:36:42 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
14:42:58 <CalebD> Be back soon
14:48:46 <Katie šŸ»> Grand
14:49:42 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Nice start
15:19:21 <Ben VL> bh
15:19:23 <Ben VL> .
15:19:23 <Ben VL> .
15:19:24 <Ben VL> .
15:19:24 <Ben VL> .
15:20:23 <DanS (working)> Dead->Boom!
15:20:46 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Been doing that a lot lately.
15:23:43 <Ben VL> looks like no indicator at all
15:24:33 <DanS (working)> agree
15:24:46 <KorbenC> That was nice
15:25:05 <KorbenC> also hi all :)
15:25:31 <Betty> oh, well, late to the show
15:25:33 <Ben VL> hiee
15:25:59 <KorbenC> Hi Ben, Betty
15:26:44 <Betty> hi and bye Ben VL, KorbenC, timme for sleep :-p
15:26:55 <Betty> night
15:27:05 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> night
15:28:18 <CalebD> Of course Bee & Grand went during the 30m I was gone :p
15:28:39 <CalebD> Hi Korben
15:28:48 <KorbenC> CalebD, lol
15:28:56 <KorbenC> Hi Caleb
15:29:48 <Katie šŸ»> OF
15:32:23 <CalebD> Nice Bee, Intresting that there was never indy
15:33:23 <CalebD> 7h 12m double grand interval, still winthing 6h 30m +/- 45m
15:55:40 <LindaG> Daisy
15:56:53 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Primula
15:56:55 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
15:59:45 <LindaG> I'll logon
16:01:28 <LindaG> hello all
16:02:10 <CalebD> Hi Linda
16:02:28 <LindaG> CalebD, hi
16:14:59 <LindaG> Bald eagle
16:40:31 <LindaG> Riverside
16:41:45 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
17:10:09 <LindaG> OF1
17:13:34 <KorbenC> LindaG, hi
17:14:00 <LindaG> KorbenC, hi
17:19:17 <LindaG> any bears today?
17:35:03 <LindaG> That looks cool against a dark sky
17:35:26 <LindaG> turban?
17:36:01 <CalebD> It could have been a vent & turban restart
17:36:31 <LindaG> Ok
17:36:57 <CalebD> That's too much steam for Turban only
17:37:16 <LindaG> Yeah
17:40:27 <LindaG> lc ie
17:57:52 <LindaGp> Cam froze
17:58:54 <LindaGp> Huh lost the cam
17:58:55 <CalebD> I saw
17:59:22 <Kat> LindaGp, mine is frozen too
18:00:02 <LindaGp> says it can't reach the page
18:00:16 <LindaGp> stream must be looping
18:00:22 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Dave Broke it
18:00:50 <LindaGp> Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ, he sure did
18:01:50 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> Did you see UP put 55 cars on the ground between Vegas and Barstow?
18:02:11 <CalebD> All I have is the spinig wheel of death
18:02:30 <LindaGp> yeah cam is dead, I can't get back in
18:02:55 <Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ> May be power outage
18:03:06 <LindaGp> Kevin Lā„¢ šŸŒµ, good point
18:03:34 <LindaGp> my stream is looping
18:04:11 <CalebD> LindaGp, It does that when there is nothing to see, reloading will give you the spinning wheel of death
18:04:13 <LindaGp> I'll keep trying
18:04:51 <LindaGp> CalebD, yeah I winter reload, spinning wheel of death is annoying lol
18:05:36 <LindaGp> *wont
18:05:42 <CalebD> :thumbsup:
18:06:32 <CalebD> To bad no people are at the VEC, you could call them to see what is happening
18:06:52 <Kat> May be power out
18:07:35 <CalebD> Does the cam auto turn on when it has power?
18:08:03 <LindaGp> yes it will be docked though
18:08:03 <Kat> It should - may need reboot
18:08:26 <CalebD> "Docked"?
18:08:55 <LindaGp> will be facing the roof
18:09:07 <CalebD> Ah ok
18:09:39 <CalebD> Well it may be a while before it is fixed, a pretty bad time for it to stp working (Unless it is a power outage)
18:10:07 <LindaGp> hope for power outage
18:10:46 <KorbenC> Uhoh
18:11:16 <LindaGp> KorbenC, yeah know anyone in basin you can ask?
18:11:58 <KorbenC> The camera is down, static is down, I dont think anyone is in basin tonight, loggers are out, the geysers are pretty much all on their own for awhile :) Poor Beehive is going to get lonely
18:12:15 <CalebD> LindaGp, If it is a power outage they would have no signal anyway
18:12:19 <LindaGp> KorbenC, lol
18:12:26 <KorbenC> Linda, I am gonna text one of my ranger friends and see if anyone is manning the basin or when the next person will be in basin
18:12:27 <CalebD> KorbenC, :p
18:12:28 <LindaGp> CalebD, true
18:14:26 <KorbenC> Where is my teleporter when we need it, I think its under the couch again but I don't want to get it
18:14:49 <LindaGp> KorbenC, >(
18:14:51 <CalebD> KorbenC, :lol:
18:15:11 <LindaGp> KorbenC, do it for the team :)
18:15:38 <KorbenC> But I do not want to find what else is down there
18:16:13 <LindaGp> Might pull you under>(
18:17:26 <KorbenC> Hahaha
18:17:39 <Kat> :) I sent Brett a message
18:17:50 <LindaGp> Kat, :thumbsup:
18:17:50 <KorbenC> Kat, hi
18:18:05 <KorbenC> In the words of my ranger friend, "OF course the OF cam is down"
18:18:07 <LindaGp> Kat, and hi
18:18:35 <Kat> KorbenC, i have the teleporter :p
18:18:55 <LindaGp> KorbenC, so power outage, I wouldn't teleport nownit will be darn cold
18:19:09 <Kat> :lol:
18:19:47 <Kat> Night all :)
18:19:59 <KorbenC> I will volunteer to teleport, its 22F and not windy! That is a summer break compared to what Ive had recently
18:20:01 <LindaGp> Kat, night
18:20:15 <LindaGp> KorbenC, :)
18:20:17 <CalebD> Night Kat
18:20:28 <LindaGp> KorbenC, ok but be careful >(
18:20:33 <KorbenC> Bye Kat! I will pay for you to ship the teleporter up here, maybe it'll make it here before the volcano explodes
18:34:39 <LindaGp> OF time >(
18:46:38 <Kevin iPad> Looks like it is still doing the imatation
18:46:52 <Kevin iPad> Of the bison on the hill
18:47:29 <LindaGp> Yup still down
18:49:18 <LindaGp> Who looks at power outage there?
18:55:28 <Kevin iPad> Which ever power company supplies power.
18:56:04 <LindaGp> Could be awhile
18:56:41 <Kevin iPad> Yep.
20:17:28 <linda> still down forbthe count
21:36:32 <linda> night