Showing logs for date: 2024-11-06
06:44:42 <Joe> Good Morning Linda
06:45:41 <LindaG> Joe, good morning and Halo
07:10:53 <LindaGp> Keeps kicking me out
07:11:39 <LindaGp> Not the cam the chat
07:14:42 <LindaGp> don't see water on castle yet
07:16:23 <LindaGp> Sprinkler going big
07:16:50 <LindaGp> think Sawmill off
07:19:59 <Joe> I could not see BEE last night....but that does not mean anything :)
07:20:53 <LindaGp> :)
07:21:39 <LindaGp> there's Sawmill :)
07:22:01 <Joe> early morning steam is huge
07:22:15 <LindaGp> yeah
07:23:39 <LindaGp> what isnthelat steaming to right of bee? Is that the close to cone?
07:24:10 <LindaGp> Splashy
07:24:27 <LindaGp> good morning dave
07:24:39 <Dave from B> Morning Linda, Joe
07:33:41 <Joe> Dave from B, Good morning
07:37:55 <LindaGp> OF
07:38:18 <LindaGp> Beautiful
07:44:50 <Joe> nice ee splashes
07:45:29 <LindaGp> :) she likes me
07:45:57 <Joe> >>>:thumbsup:<<<
08:10:59 <Dave from B> brrr -2F...Is the first time below zero this winter?
08:12:07 <LindaGp> Not sure, it was -4
08:19:52 <CD> CCI? Maybe steaming
08:20:24 <LindaGp> CD, I thought that before but I wasn't positive
08:35:03 <Dave from B> What erupted down basin....that's some serious steam
08:35:54 <LindaGp> I think maybe daisy
08:36:15 <LindaGp> it is due
08:39:56 <LindaGp> But I didn't see it, could be oblong
08:40:22 <Katie> Hi
08:40:28 <LindaGp> Katie, hi
08:49:20 <LindaG1> I can't imagine just daisy caused all this steam
08:51:11 <Dave from B> Morning Katie
08:53:26 <LindaG1> This is crazy
08:53:57 <Dave from B> Almost as bad as the dark black cave
08:55:37 <Katie> LindaG1, when it's this cold and humid... any steam become fog that doesn't disperse right away. Little plumes look huge and then linger.
08:56:17 <LindaG1> Yes
08:57:44 <LindaG1> been extra steamy all morning from cold
08:58:49 <LindaG1> Riverside
09:09:46 <Linda> can only do normal shift today so I'll be leaving at 10am
09:10:04 <Katie> I can take the wheel then
09:10:15 <Linda> :thumbsup:
09:13:59 <LindaGp2> OF
09:14:25 <LindaGp2> it's trying
09:24:01 <Linda> cant stay connected on my phone to chat :p
09:37:53 <CD> Penta ie?
09:38:04 <CD> THough I saw jets
09:38:09 <CD> Could I have a zoom?
09:39:31 <CD> Steam at least
09:40:04 <CD> Liile bits of water two, calling it a steam phase minor I think
09:57:56 <L2> Don't seem to be able to catch daisy today
10:01:40 <L2> Katie, ready?
10:02:05 <Katie> Yup
10:02:50 <L2> :thumbsup:
10:03:03 <L2> Controls released
10:03:09 <L2> Enjoy
11:07:24 <JarnoO> OF already post-eruptive at 1039, also given no preplay seen even though we're well into the window had the previous eruption been a long. No static archives, so no indication when it may have happened. In any case, the runoff channels weren't steamy at 1039, either, so it may have erupted 10-15 minutes before that
11:08:36 <Katie> I just ready your GT note. Thanks for sharing those observations.
11:09:53 <Katie> Keeping it in view so we can get the next eruption logged, but went wider
11:09:58 <JarnoO> assuming 1024 as eruption time, and given the high probability this was a long, the next eruption 1209±10m, using a 1h45m interval. This takes into consideration the tendency for the eruption following a short/medium-long pair to occur at a longer interval
11:10:37 <Katie> :thumbsup:
11:16:31 <CD> Steamy beehive
11:23:30 <Katie> CD, yes, it is
11:58:18 <Betty> hi all
11:59:58 <Katie> Hi
12:00:04 <Katie> Hi Betty
12:00:13 <Dave from B> Hi Betty
12:00:15 <Betty> hi Katie
12:00:30 <Betty> hi Dave from B
12:05:16 <Betty> OF
12:05:27 <Betty> oops, preplay
12:06:19 <Katie> Preplay is right on time for Jarno's prediction. :)
12:07:04 <Katie> And one peep with the show all to themselves...
12:12:00 <Katie> OF
12:18:14 <Betty> hmm, never realized that there are twigs of dead bushes on GH
12:18:40 <Betty> just next to the colored runoff
12:33:42 <Betty> Lion
12:34:01 <Katie> I can't zoom - reconnecting
12:50:05 <Betty> Arty ie
14:03:22 <Katie> Indy
14:03:24 <Katie> .
14:03:25 <Katie> .
14:03:25 <Katie> .
14:03:25 <Katie> .
14:03:25 <Katie> ..
14:03:25 <Katie> .
14:04:52 <Dave from B> Thanks Katie
14:04:54 <Joe> text sent
14:07:52 <Greg ❄️> Nice timing'
14:11:35 <Joe> BEE
14:12:13 <CD> Can we zoom out?
14:12:20 <CD> Looks strong
14:12:27 <Katie> IF I can get control
14:13:34 <CD> Very nice bee
14:17:40 <Katie> Thanks for sending text, Joe. I haven't logged in to it on my new phone so need to do that, and my pc was also logged out. I'll correct those issues so I'm ready next time, but it was nice to not have to do that in a hurry.
14:18:09 <Katie> LD
14:18:38 <Katie> and Great Fountain, I think
14:18:48 <Joe> Katie, :thumbsup:
14:19:11 <CalebD> Lion Ini should be soon
14:19:37 <Joe> lion had ini earileer
14:19:45 <Katie> We just had a lion 20 minutes or so ago
14:20:04 <Joe> 1233 ini
14:20:38 <Joe> then 1357 KLL
14:20:48 <CalebD> Oh wops, thought it was 1500 (Now) for some reason
14:25:34 <CalebD> LS
14:25:43 <CalebD> I think
14:28:20 <CalebD> Katie, Why did you make the 1357 as a major
14:28:56 <Katie> because it was neither an ini nor a minor
14:29:14 <CalebD> Just well then its a n/a I think
14:30:08 <Katie> Then why is there a 'major' option?
14:30:50 <CalebD> For lion at least, just in case it does something weird like a ini duration in series, ect
14:30:56 <Katie> Mara flagged and schooled me when I (inadvertently) marked an ini as both ini and major.
14:31:31 <Katie> There are maj and min eruptions. Why would we mark a min as a min but not mark a maj as a maj?
14:32:02 <CalebD> Generally, I would say you should try to have normal eruptions have no tags
14:32:12 <Katie> I usually just enter Lion as Lion ans indicate if a ini or a min - but...
14:34:11 <CalebD> Also the precedent so far has been don't enter them, and I see no reason to change it
14:40:31 <CalebD> Oblong ie?
14:43:40 <66> Yes. Oblong.
14:52:26 <Katie> static cams are coming back online
14:52:33 <Katie> That's helpful!
14:52:39 <Katie> and enjoyable
14:55:07 <CalebD> Tardy
15:14:38 <Katie> and they are gone again
15:30:48 <Joe> r-side
15:37:42 <Katie> Castle - and did you move cam, Joe?
15:38:20 <Katie> No objection to it being moved
15:39:38 <Katie> (and my toes are not sensitive)
17:26:42 <Katie> That's a pretty view with the pink ting
17:26:46 <Katie> *tint