Showing logs for date: 2024-11-07
06:19:56 <Joe> turn off AF it willv be better
06:20:56 <Joe> AF uses center focus and will not focus
06:52:42 <Joe> hmmm camera moved to beehive at 0606
06:53:08 <Kat> Wasn't me
06:53:42 <Joe> I moved back to wide just a few minnutes ago
06:53:59 <Kat> Good morning Joe - when did cam come back up? I didn't get an e-mail orvtext
06:55:22 <Joe> I think tuesday no messages recieved about it, it just came back on its own
06:58:49 <Joe> I don't know how it moved this morning although I was watching and tought someone wanted control, they moved it around the hill a bit then sat still so after about 30 min I shifted to night view
06:59:35 <Joe> Probably Ravens :)
07:01:12 <Joe> BTW, halo
07:01:58 <Kat> Halo back - and yes you know those ravens are tricky!
07:02:40 <Kat> OF ie
07:02:56 <Joe> nice catch
07:03:06 <Kat> :)
07:03:18 <Kat> My static is not showing
07:04:00 <Kat> wow temp -2
07:04:11 <Joe> my static just came on
07:05:00 <Joe> and now off
07:05:02 <Kat> not mine.. :(
07:06:04 <Joe> good luck today, have fun
07:06:22 <Kat> Joe, thx! You have agreat day!
07:39:32 <Dave from B> Good morning Kat
07:39:52 <Kat> Dave from B, Morning!
07:49:50 <Kat> Castle ie?
08:24:20 <L> MORNING ALL
08:24:40 <Kat> Good morning!
08:24:58 <L> Kat, How are you?
08:25:28 <Kat> Hanging in there!
08:25:35 <Kat> and u?
08:25:43 <L> Kat, yup the same
08:26:07 <Kat> :)
08:26:22 <Kat> Tough day yesterday...
08:26:28 <L> Kat, for sure
08:27:13 <Kat> OF
08:27:37 <Katie> Hello
08:27:47 <L> Katie, hi
08:27:49 <Kat> Morning Katie
08:28:44 <Kat> Do you guys have static cams up?
08:29:00 <L> no
08:29:12 <Kat> :thumbsup:
08:29:36 <L> lake is up
08:29:51 <Kat> It's broken
08:31:12 <Kat> Have a good drive to go to work!
08:31:40 <Katie> Thanks for driving, Kat!
08:33:05 <Kat> Katie, yw :)
08:33:15 <Kat> L, talk ,later!
08:33:50 <L> Kat, ok
08:35:37 <Kat> Katie, haven't seen any researchers yet
08:35:56 <Katie> :thumbsup:Thanks
09:20:32 <Katie> Castle?
09:51:22 <CalebD> IS that tardy ie??
09:51:38 <CalebD> Sort of looks like it
09:52:04 <CalebD> Could I have a quick zoom?
09:52:27 <Katie> Your delay must be long today
09:52:44 <Katie> Oh, yeah, the pixelcaster delay is long right now
09:52:58 <CalebD> Well thanks anyway
09:53:05 <CalebD> Nice to see a tardy cycle
09:54:07 <CalebD> Hopefully we can get Penta!
10:02:06 <CalebD> IF you can Katie, could you do a quick check of the sawmill group to make sure Penta has not started yet?
10:02:23 <Katie> CalebD, shift changed at 10:00
10:02:41 <CalebD> Oh ok well, thanks for driving
10:02:53 <Katie> My pleasure
10:07:14 <CalebD> Com'n OF, go
10:18:52 <CalebD> Finialy
10:23:10 <CalebD> Wonder what sawmill group is doing now
10:27:39 <CalebD> Sawmill
10:27:43 <CalebD> aww
10:30:10 <CalebD> Lion
10:30:23 <CalebD> Nice start
13:24:26 <Betty> hi all
13:25:46 <Dave from B> Hi Betty
13:26:05 <Betty> hi Dave
13:52:23 <Betty> yay
13:52:27 <Betty> indy
13:52:28 <Betty> .
13:52:29 <Betty> .
13:52:30 <Betty> .
13:52:32 <Betty> .
13:52:43 <CalebD> Nice
13:55:24 <Katie> Someone turned on 2FA for the googlegroups login and now I can't log in
13:56:20 <Katie> It was probably a forced thing, but the result is the same
13:58:24 <Katie> Okay, in on my computer, but too late to send text now
13:58:37 <Betty> Bee
14:00:33 <CalebD> Nicely tall
14:20:01 <Betty> :daisy:
14:36:39 <Betty> OF
14:37:59 <Betty> Beauty pool looks hot
14:38:18 <CalebD> So does grand
14:38:26 <CalebD> Looks lt obe in overflow
14:49:45 <Joe> Grand 5h 39 min interval??
14:52:44 <Joe> 2b so far