Showing logs for date: 2024-11-12
06:44:44 <Mike J> Good morning to the early birds. Hope everyone's doing well.
06:45:49 <Joe> thing are good here, hope it is the same for you
06:46:47 <Mike J> Finally got below 100 in Phoenix, so that's a good thing
06:47:25 <Joe> nice, almost time for a jacket:)
06:47:56 <Mike J> Actually, high this weekend 67. That is definitely jacket weather for us Pheonicians
06:52:52 <Joe> 37 here, started wearing jackets a few days ago
06:53:48 <Mike J> At 37 we would bundle up and try not to leave the house.
06:54:12 <Joe> :lol:
06:57:41 <Joe> it is nice to be able to sit near the fire/air conditioner when necessary
06:58:11 <Mike J> LOTS of AC for us
07:54:59 <CD> Spasmodic it looks like
07:55:11 <Dave from B> Good morning
07:55:11 <CD> may get Sawmill in the next few minutes
07:55:17 <CD> Dave from B, Morning!
07:58:09 <CD> Sawmill
08:02:33 <CD> lb
08:37:56 <Joe> :grand:
08:47:25 <Dave from B> of course, it's snowing. I'm 3 hours from my shift:(
08:47:50 <CD> tardy
09:18:38 <CraigC> winter
09:18:54 <Joe> CraigC, morning
09:19:00 <CraigC> Joe, howdy
09:27:18 <Dave from B> CraigC, is your biking season over?
09:28:21 <CraigC> not sure, I was just checking campgrounds down south to see what is out there
09:34:40 <CraigC> I don't think I will go down this late, it is high 50s in Moab, that is still too cold for me
09:35:13 <CraigC> in February, high 50s will feel warmer
09:35:47 <Dave from B> Yep...winter is here:(
09:37:01 <CraigC> wow, Steamboat has someminor activity showing
09:37:30 <CraigC> I had been wondering if sensor had got buried or something
09:56:50 <Katie> Aurum?
09:57:31 <Katie> I think it was over before zoom.
10:00:51 <Joe> controls released, see you later, nice Aurum
10:00:56 <Katie> I entered it as questionable - Joe was more confident. Cool. :)
10:01:20 <Katie> Thanks for driving, Joe, and have a good day. I've got the wheel until Dave is ready.
10:01:59 <Joe> thanks, hope it clears
10:02:51 <Katie> I kinda do and kinda don't - need the snow.
10:03:05 <Katie> But it would be nice if snowed at night and let us see during the day. :D
10:11:40 <Katie> Of course it DID clear up.
11:24:15 <Katie> Ooops. Hope I didn't miss OF
11:29:29 <Dave from B> I see water in runoff channel coming towards the camera. Does that mean anything?
11:35:25 <CD> Dave from B, It think it always has a bit of standing water in it
11:35:43 <CD> It would be very steamy in the runoff if OF already went
11:36:24 <Katie> 11:10 on static
11:37:04 <CalebD> Ah so it was so long after that they were not steamy anymore
11:38:23 <Katie> And still some water in 11:13 frame, so long.
11:38:32 <Katie> So glad to have static back!
11:39:23 <Dave from B> Thanks, Katie
11:40:09 <Katie> We had an Aurum this morning. :D
11:43:23 <Betty> hi all
11:45:05 <Dave from B> Hi Betty
11:47:13 <Betty> hi Dave from B
11:47:46 <Betty> nice catch on Aurum
11:48:10 <Dave from B> Betty, are you working on USA 2025 yet?
11:48:25 <Betty> yes
11:48:32 <Betty> :-)
11:48:48 <Betty> no plans for Billings this time
11:49:25 <Dave from B> Is your party going to be 4...I know you had mentioned it.
11:50:23 <Betty> yes, kind of have to convince our brother. Our nephew is safe
11:51:07 <Betty> brother is not so good with the flight of 12 hrs
11:51:14 <Dave from B> When are you visiting?
11:53:00 <Betty> August/ September. We still need to get the dates
11:54:16 <Dave from B> I'm sure you'll have fun wherever you go. I'm excited you will have others to show around.
12:01:16 <Dave from B> Katie, I'm ready when you are
12:01:40 <Dave from B> I even remembered today
12:01:41 <Katie> Have a good drive
12:01:57 <Betty> hi Katie
12:02:27 <Betty> Lionis ready
12:02:38 <Dave from B> Thanks
12:08:13 <Betty> Dave from B, when I have my plan ready I will let you know. We may find a day or two we can meet anywhere :-)
12:10:08 <Betty> the 2 days with Michelle and you were the highlights of our trip (sure, we had beer, LOL)
12:13:45 <Dave from B> We won't be starting our fall trip until Sept 20, so we may be able to catch you at YNP or anywhere else close.
12:15:05 <Betty> we will only have 3 night in Yellowstone. Not sure by now if in the park or at West
12:18:31 <Dave from B> That's a short stint for you
12:18:48 <Betty> yep
12:21:19 <Dave from B> Betty, please do your magic. Lion needs to erupt before OF window
13:01:00 <Dave from B> interval is now 110 minutes
13:03:08 <Betty> guess I lost my magic
13:04:51 <Dave from B> 114 minutes
13:05:02 <Dave from B> I do see a 2hr9min on Nov 9
13:16:31 <Betty> OF
13:16:34 <Dave from B> OF 1316
13:16:43 <Dave from B> might be 15
13:19:42 <Dave from B> medium?
13:19:58 <Dave from B> Change that to long
13:22:48 <Katie> I had not looked at this screen in a while. It has cleared up nicely.
13:27:18 <Dave from B> just in the last half hour
14:00:59 <Dave from B> Time for me to head out. Of not due for 40 minutes. I'll keep it pointed down basin until Katie returns.
14:01:23 <Katie> Got it. Have a good afternoon.
14:01:23 <Betty> thx Dave
14:02:07 <Dave from B> Thanks Katie
14:02:17 <Katie> Dave from B, thanks for driving
14:02:40 <Dave from B> Enjoy your evening
14:08:39 <Betty> Riverside
14:52:58 <x> Castle ie?
14:55:17 <Betty> I saw that for a second. Had to do an update that kicked me out
14:56:45 <Betty> already in steam?
15:29:02 <Betty> headed out, night all
15:29:23 <Katie> Have a good night
15:58:34 <Greg> Hi Katie, ready when you are
15:58:57 <Katie> Greg, have a good drive!
15:59:09 <Greg> Will do, thanks for driving
16:10:51 <CalebD> Oblong looks steamy
16:11:19 <CalebD> Water maybe?
16:24:39 <Greg> Old Faithful time
16:29:24 <CalebD> Sawmill ie
16:40:54 <Greg> :grand:
17:12:56 <Greg> :lion:
17:13:11 <CalebD> ie
17:13:39 <Greg> I knew I should have left the cam pointed at her
17:13:59 <CalebD> looks like ini
17:14:07 <Greg> :thumbsup:
17:26:33 <Greg> The cam controls have neem released, thanks for tagging along. Night all
19:18:55 <CalebD> Oblong?
19:19:16 <CalebD> Yeah, really short interval...
20:22:45 <CalebD> RS